I don't really know how to describe this one. Sorry...if you like this genre of music, then you should probably listen to this track. )K( |
CD: down time
Label: KrYoS degenerative sonic analysis:
Credits: Kryos - (consisting of myself and DSP) |
Fans of IDM will probably like this one. Not exclusively though. Very complex beats, interesting structure. |
CD: down time
Label: KrYoS degenerative sonic analysis:
Credits: just me and my shaaa-doh.... |
This is what happens when someone who cut their teeth on industrial and experi-MENTAL music decides to explore the possibilities of abstract hip-hop. This song was remixxed on the fly, improv style with no re-edits. And also, it rocks the funky beat! |
CD: KRYOS - Loco motif~
Label: upcoming release on ARCHANGEL PRODUCTIONS
Credits: Composed, built, and finished by KrYoS |