A sneek peek of a song on the drawing board... there are vocals for the song that still need to be recorded, but I wanted to let people in on it for opinion/constructive criticism... |
CD: Unreleased
Label: BASSISLOADED Recordings
Credits: DJ Papabear |
A long buried track a friend did this summer... another good examle of a great re-mix done from my ideas... |
CD: Special Web Release
Label: BASSISLOADED Recordings
Credits: DJ Papabear and Thahookupman |
With Amy Kincaid on vocals (Philomena) this song is a re-mix of the original done by Neil Armstrong.. Check him out: http://www.acidplanet.com/Lounge/ArtistDetail.asp?ArtistID=78305 |
MP3.com CD: Revivals, Remixes and Regrets - buy it!
CD: Revivals, Remixes and Regrets
Label: BASSISLOADED Recordings
Credits: Neil Armstrong, Amy Kincaid, DJ Papabear |