Everything is owned by the Creator. God does not need us. But we are rewarded by the Creator for doing things the sake of God. |
MP3.com CD: VERBAL JIHAD- Promo Album#1 - buy it!
Credits: Bro. Islam |
Be careful so as your imagination does not lead you astray. |
MP3.com CD: VERBAL JIHAD- Promo Album#1 - buy it!
CD: ----
Label: ---
Credits: Adbus-Sami' & Bro. Islam (note: Allah created it!) |
The worse way to die, is to die a kafr. |
MP3.com CD: VERBAL JIHAD- Promo Album#1 - buy it!
CD: ---
Label: ---
Credits: --- |
Verbal jihad is out. Insh'Allah we will be successful on this front. |
MP3.com CD: VERBAL JIHAD- Promo Album#1 - buy it!
CD: ------
Label: ------
Credits: Bro. Islam |
Dhicker praising our Prophet-the best of all creation. |
MP3.com CD: VERBAL JIHAD- Promo Album#1 - buy it!
Class sample from Bro. Walid' class on the creed of Islam. Beat sample from Boogie Down Production's classic "Super H_e". |
MP3.com CD: VERBAL JIHAD- Promo Album#1 - buy it!
Credits: Bro. Islam |
^Umar remembers Allah ta^ala wth 33 dhicker beads. Allah is the only one who has all perfect attributes (i.e, power, will, knowledge, etc...) Time began with the first creation, therefore Allah is not subjected to time. The first place existed when the first creation was put in it, Allah is not subjected to place. Allah is attributed with the highest 'istawa, or status/greatness. Allah's 'istawa is greater than El Arsh (the Throne representing Allah's power). This creation is so huge in size that compared to it- El Kursiyy is like pebble thrown in the ocean. El Kursiyy is so humongous that all the planets and stars in comparison are like a pebble thrown in the ocean. We can barely imagine the greatness of El Kursiyy, much less El Arsch. All creation is under the will and power of the Creator (Allah). |
MP3.com CD: VERBAL JIHAD- Promo Album#1 - buy it!
Credits: Abdus Sami' |
dhicker- 100x |
There is only One God. There are many fathers, sons and spirits. All of these are different than the one who created them.
There is only One God. |
The reason we were put here is because... |
Allah is free of all imperfections. Allah has no beginnng of end, so Allah (God) does not change. If one changes they may either go from a state of imperfection, to perfection or from a state of perfection to imperfection. Since God is perfect, and will always have the status of perfection- the Creator will not change. Allah is not subjected or confined to anything. Allah is not confined by of subjected to time.
This is one defintion of "Subahanallah" |
Credits: Abdus Sami' |
The Prophet Muhammad, who was born over 1400 years ago, informed us on what we are supposed to do. We are supposed to worship our Creator and subject ourselves to God's orders. God does not resemble the creation in any way. We can not imagine God, since everything in our imagination is created- comes from a state of non-existance, to a state of existance. Man, idols, Sun, Moon, spirits, Devils... are all created. we do not worship any of these things, of the like. |
May peace and blessings be upon the Rasulallah (prophet of God), salallahu ^alayhi wa sullum. This term 'salallahu ^alayhi wa sullum' means may Allah bring peace and blessings and raise the status our Prophet. Muslims regularly say this after the mentioning the name of Prohet Muhammad, salallahu ^alayhi wa sullum. We also give 'salaams' (wishing peace and blessings) after mentioning the names of the to other Prophets- Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Adam, etc... |
CD: Verbal Jihad- Ad'Dawah Assault
Credits: Abdus Sami, Bro. ^Isa, Light of Islam |
There is one God. It is impossible for more than one entity to have the ability to create. What if one wanted you to be still and the other wanted you to move. It would be chaos. The one who has the will over all others is the Creator. The Creator is not created. It is against sound mind to think one can create themselves. |
CD: Verbal Jihad- Ad'Dawah Assault
Credits: Abdus Sami, Light of Islam |
Muslims are the cleanest people on Earth. 1400 years ago the Prophet Muhammad taught us how to maintain ourselves, as slaves of God. We wash at least five times a day to pray. We must completely shower after intercourse. We must keep our environment thouroughly clean of any blood, urine, feces, and other dirty (ngasta) materials. We use pure water as a rinse once the bulk material is remove from the area. We also have the pure belief in the oneness of the Creator (At-Tawheed). Lastly, we refrain from fornication, gambling, murder, cheating, stealing- which undermines any society. We are muslims, we have a higher standard. |
CD: Verbal Jihad- Ad'Dawah Assault
Credits: Abdus Sami, Shykh Ghiafth |