It's love. With big drums. The best kind. My least cynical song ever, I'm happy to say. |
Credits: Kevin-guitar, vocals; Chuck Tate-guitar, backgrounds; Pat Meusel-bass, backgrounds; Dave Harrison-drums |
"...but we're such good friends. If we dated, that would ruin everything..." Who hasn't been there? This pop ditty will put the gin in your platonic. |
Credits: Kevin-vocals, guitar; King Willliams-bass; Al Smith-organ; Matt Bloodwell-drums: John Marsden & Kevin-backgrounds |
And I thought that interest in politics was over the day after the election. Thanks to Al and Dubyah, this song maintains its topical viability. Thanks guys! |
CD: more.
Label: Smoky Treat Records
Credits: Kevin-vocals, guitar; King Williams-bass; Scott Appleton-guitar solo; Dave Harrison-drums |