This is the theme from the 'Love always dies' ep. horns, grating noises, other stuff... yay. It's not music per se, but is more of a set-up for a rather depressing collection of music... whatever. All of those noises that aren't horns or drums are me breathing and speaking through an effects processor. kinda neat, really. |
CD: Love always dies ep
Label: InDusTriAl EvoLuTIon records
Credits: Me |
Ooh. The D1g1+ archives! This song is old ass shit. It was made like 2 or three years ago.... I think quite of it was made using acid music, which, as many of you will know, takes free use, pre-made loops and allows you to re-arange them. Not the most original work, but it amuses me to listen back to it every once in a while. =P |
CD: Archives
Label: I do not intend to ever actually release this
Credits: meeeeee |
More archives, people. I think this was probably the first electronic thing I ever recorded. This is a piece of shit. wait wait... not so fast! You should still listen to it. This song is VERY badly mixed and recorded. There is a way too loud, and kinda badly played keyboard thing. "Sun Rising's" themes are very good. You can see my love of electronic choral voices and groaning bass lines coming out... I had, however just gotten my first bit of equipment, and so it all turns into shitty video game music. heehee. Listen, laugh, and HOPE that at some point I decide to redo it... I like the chord progrssion on the last bit. |
CD: Archives
Label: uh, yeah
Credits: me me me |