Progressive rock/metal instrumental with quiet bits, loud bits, slow bits, faster bits and lots of guitar and synth lines all over the place! You may recognise the basis of this song as the Electric Yoghurt song, "Time Will Tell", although it was originally envisaged as an instrumental track and now has its original title back too! Recorded March 2002 |
CD: Conflagration
Credits: Writen & performed by G. Franklin (Peavey Wolfgang Flametop, bass & guitar-synth) |
Blues-tinged instrumental rock tune that progresses from a s-l-o-w blues intro to a more upbeat rock feel. The title is of course an almost unforgivable pun on the blues legend Howling Wolf, and the exclusive use of my magnificent transparent amber, stoptail Peavey Wolfgang Flametop and Wolfgang Special to provide the guitar tones for this piece! |
CD: Conflagration
Credits: Written & performed by G. Franklin (Peavey Wolfgang Flametop, bass) |
Instrumental tune with solid rock rhythms and melodic leads and perhaps a small pinch of Rush-influences here and there! This is the first song recorded on my new Korg 16-track recording system. |
CD: Conflagration
Credits: Written and performed by G. Franklin (Peavey Wolfgang Flametopm, Ibanez JPM100, bass and guitar-synth) |