"HERZ" taken from the CD "my wife´s body"concept was the "heart" of a certain person andthe interpretation of different body-parts.in this case the heart.its beat.its power.its colour.a kinda sonic poem. |
CD: der körper meiner frau
Label: unreleased (mailme..)
Credits: 2 the woman the body belongs.... |
liveperformance at RHIZ/vienna. a ratherwild live-jam with other BKA-members. intention was to get the special "feeling" of industrial hometown linz.industrial ambient.voice by renee |
CD: nope
Label: --
Credits: thx 2 renee for the great vocals... |
"BREAK-21" liveperformane at ljubliana-arts-festival.radio-mics and sound-sensors were given two the audience and were part of the mix. superstrangeinteractiv stuff. |
CD: --
Label: --
Credits: thx 2 horn&katja |