No Other Way is the first song off BT's CD, Waiting to Talk. It's very intense, loud, heavy and fast. |
CD: Waiting to Talk
Label: sextant/EMI
Credits: Written by Bucket Truck. Produced by Lloyd Hanson |
blah blah blah - Everyone's A Critic is an amazing song. I know you're going to think so, you don't need a big description. Just download it - if you don't like it, you can always erase it. :^) |
CD: Waiting to Talk
Label: sextant/EMI
Credits: Produced by Lloyd Hanson |
Hey! We're in the process of getting some new Bucket Truck songs up here on MP3.com - apologies to everyone who downloaded our old stuff over the last couple months. We forgot our password... anyway, check back soon. In the meantime jump on over to our website and check out our new album, Waiting to Talk. www.buckettruck.nfld.net |
CD: Waiting to Talk
Label: sextant/EMI
Credits: We wrote it. Yep. |