Neil Dixon welcomes you !
If you're new to MP3.com here is some info on listening to Neil's music. If you have a slow internet connection try the lofi play link to listen to the songs; if you have a fast connection use the hifi play link. To keep track of music you like use the add
all tracks to my.mp3.com link so that you can play your favourite artists at once at my.MP3.com without having to remember them all. Playing Neil's songs from my.mp3.com also really helps him in the charts.
CD: Automatic Earth
Credits: Vocals, guitar - Neil Dixon; Bass - Amy Duncan; Percussion - Craig Peebles |
CD: Automatic Earth
Credits: Vocals, guitar - Neil Dixon; Bass - Amy Duncan; Percussion - Craig Peebles |
CD: Automatic Earth
Credits: Vocals, guitar - Neil Dixon; Bass - Amy Duncan; Percussion - Craig Peebles |
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