So where do we go from here? Only the final destiny of this greatly orchestrated track will reveal the answer to this question. Attempts at decoding the break science within will only perplex further. Listen, and we shall hear.... |
MP3.com CD: Art of War EP - buy it!
Credits: -Article- programing and engineering, Carol Frazier: Vocalz |
Collaboration with Japanese producer Chukimai signed to source records. Please visit the site and purchase the compilation @ www.source-records.com |
MP3.com CD: Audio Science - buy it!
CD: Audio Science
Label: -unsigned-
Credits: Chukimai & Article |
Part of the Soundrack for "The Package", a future Tek film in progress soon to be released from 331/3 FIlMS. |
MP3.com CD: Audio Science - buy it!
Credits: -Article- |