A standard blues progression with an upbeat pop feel on piano ,oboe and violin... |
Suitable for driving or other pleasurable experiences. |
Pseudorock |
Quantum Inference Differentation ,a soft fugue in hip hop style... |
Scifi dance, slightly dark... |
A polyryhthmic african melody. |
MP3.com CD: Confluence of Jazz - buy it!
A very dark sound track for these warm summer nights around the campfire.Serial,classical ,much like 40's movie sound tracks... |
An odd scale with a blue tinge in a goth feel... |
Jon anderson probaly would like this ,a tibal beat with vocalizations,forming a native, primative, other worldly ritual... |
An adventure in symphonic rock . Perfect for rock climbing or sailing... |
Piano works in blue.. |
The feel of a hot summer rain echoed by guitar,strings ,xylophone,and effects |
More coffee music,simple texures on a simple theme. |
There is a certain amount of the orginal material, but it is not without understanding, to all of this work ,the rhythm has been changed and the intervalation , is different,but in all this is a love story in space as a theme... |
Progressive fugue on piano ,bass and lead with a sense of an earlier style... |
I know old joke,but this song was conceived after viewing a book on the baroque period with simular intervalation and notation...With harpsicord ,violin and bass,enjoy! |
The vibrant pulsing sound of the city with percussion and horns. |
MP3.com CD: Confluence of Jazz - buy it!
As the title suggests this was derived from Gregorion scaling,romantic in a pop sort of way .With stretched and exaggerated instruments piano, bass, and guitar,to suit your taste ,enjoy! p.s. did I forget the synth and percussive organ leads! |
This is the stockhausen method , sounding very much like an eno fripp track, the feeling of a deserted desert on a sleepy chill track... |
Somewhere between Procol Harem and Pacbel,inspirational and votive, metal and classical, in a sweet story ,a song just for you ,CAWWW |
An african beat driven by an orchestral melody.. |
Sorrowful blues in minimalist fashion.Dedicated to the men and women of science who wil live in all of us ,and help us to live.. |
Punctuated ,dark and warming with a free flowing texture... Strings, piano, clarinet and guitar on this one. |
This pink paper is good news.A brassy concertation in blue with piano ,bass and drums. |
Sporadic pastoral |
Soft impression's ,on piano and guitar |
lite, semi dark ,glass on strings |
A chamberlike piece simular in effect to Pacbel's Cannon |
A walk on a hot day,soft acoustic guitar and bright piano. |
A soft synth lead that can fill in those darker spaces.I've often liked this type of music while visiting the local mountains, it seems to add a sense of structure to the scene. Needle mountain is on the Ca,Az border,and is called that because the sides have fallen away,leaving a rod like mass pointing upward. enjoy! |
Moody strings ,clarinet and pads fill this depiction of the city at large. |
chorused oriental |
A rave setup with a childlike theme,drums and sweetness, surronded by voice ,piano and guitar |