Strange, how did we get this one together? A dual effort by myself and my brother Jared, this track introduces the infamous words of Brad Pitt from Fight Club, as he speaks to the future Space Monkeys, and breaks out the Rules of Fight Club. Swirly effects, knocking bass bass drums and a definite harshness pervades this track, although it certainly becomes a "likeable" groove somewhere along the line. Yeah, even Sandhya Sanjana is in the mix, decidedly slowed down. We beg her forgiveness, but it just fit in. |
CD: Unreleased
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © - 2003 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra |
Ah, America. Only in America could one such as William Burroughs become an icon of free thought. Yet, he spent vast amounts of time trying to escape our land. Why? This track represents the idiom upon which Bill purveyed his most sacred thoughts - "Fluttering over the roof of my ranch style house, over my mitten marijuana - Old Glory floats lazily in the tainted breeze." You might find it amusing that this track spends the majority of its time bringing you some classic Burroughs verses, but the meaning behind it is this - FREEDOM. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, fluttering overhead... A solo effort by myself. |
CD: Not released
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © - 2002 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra |
NGC 281 is a busy workshop of star formation. Prominent features include a small open cluster of stars, a diffuse red-glowing emission nebula, large lanes of obscuring gas and dust, and dense knots of dust and gas in which stars may still be forming. This has nothing to do with this track, because this track is based on the Challenger reaching the moon, and the final 17 feet of descent to the lunar surface. We incorporated the dialogue between the Challenger and Mission Control to bring you closer to that historic event. From there, we go off on tangents featuring once again Kammie Tabrizi and his insight into nothing in particular. This track was developed around hand triggered beats and looped backbone, all Phrygian. A solo effort by myself. Enjoy… |
CD: Not released
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © 2003 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra |
This track is dedicated to the people that REALLY suffer in the Middle East conflicts... Not the just Israelis, nor the Palestinians, but the people that are directly affected by division of mind and state. Phrygia is opposed to keeping people apart simply because one thinks that the ground they walk on is theirs and theirs only. This track is meant to promote a positive feeling, which we feel brings people together. Interesting notes to this track - listen to the breathing sounds incorporated and you will get an idea of what it is like to heave a final breath. Hope you get it. Enjoy. |
CD: Not released
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © - 2002 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra - Jared A. Boosamra - Ryan Gentry - Ryan Keane |
Prisoners of the earth, come out... This track is a direct statement toward the atrocities currently underway in the Middle East. Although we have no real connection to these people except by very remote bloodlines, we feel it necessary to bring some sort of enlightenment to the fact that PEOPLE ARE DYING every single day in a country torn by division. There must be a solution. There must be a way. Thanks to Muslimgauze for the opening scrap, without whom we would never be so close to the pain and horror taking place, nor so tuned in to the inherent beauty in that region's music. Also, a big thanks for Sandhya Sanjana for brief vocal pieces. |
CD: Unreleased
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © - 2002 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra - Jared A. BoosamraRyan P. Keane |
Perhaps the least likely thing Phrygia aspires to is genre allocation. With that, we bound into the realm of funky dance with Voluminous Crest, which is exactly that - a crest at 1:00 promotes maximum dance pleasure while still recognizing the fact that we are totally focusing on the filters and beat. This has to be the most accessible track from Phrygia to date, although that yet remains to be ascertained. A collaboration between Jared and myself. Enjoy. |
CD: Not yet titled...
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © 2002 - Phrygia - Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra |
Because we have taken such a long hiatus from producing music, we are at once struck with the idea that "Abstinence" is exactly that... We haven't put anything out in a while, and then all of a sudden, in two days, comes out a track that defines where we are at this point in time. Heavy drumming, swirling verve, and a Spies in the Wires kind of hypnotc effect. Enjoy this one. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © - 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra - Ryan P. Keane |
Usually, the central sulcus presents two anterior convexities, but occasionally, four or five may occur. The upper half of the sulcus may turn sharply backward. The upper end of the sulcus usually cuts the dorsal border of the brain and turns caudally; rarely, it ends as much as 1 cm from the dorsal border. The upper third of the sulcus is frequently separated from the rest of the sulcus. The lower part of the sulcus may be directed forward and may unite with the subcentral anterior sulcus. In some cases, the central sulcus may be interrupted, doubled, or absent; when doubled, the sulci are separated by the rolandic gyrus. The name rolandic was first applied by Leuret in 1839 (Anatomie Comparée du Systéme Nerveux) because the Italian anatomist Rolando directed attention to the sulcus. Here, the Phrygian focus is on abstract thought, and long term memory. This track is as close to DJ mixing style can get, save it being completely programmed. A collaborative effort from all three members of Phrygia, with the inclusion of 5 year old Parker Sears on vocals. What he's saying, we have no damn clue. |
CD: Separation of the Brain
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © - 2002 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Marble Skull might come across as a darker track from all three members of Phrygia, but that's far from the actual meaning. This track is a dedication to the infinite inspiration that two certain individuals have had in our music - Muslimgauze, and Spies in the Wires. If you were to maybe mix the infectious grooves laid down by Spies with a tinge of the Middle Eastern inflections spawned by Muslimgauze, you'd have a close facsimile likened to Marble Skull. Whether that statement holds water or not remains to be seen. Dedicated to Uncle Pete Fatellah, RIP. Enjoy. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
With the advent of the cut-up, mainly attributed to William S. Burroughs and Byron Gysin, the music of the beat era became at once something that meant more than simple words flowing into a coherent whole. All of a sudden, the fractured rants of Wild Bill gave a new meaning to poetic stream of consciousness. William S. Burroughs is everywhere in this track, excerpts from "Ah, Pook the Destroyer", "Agent K-9 was in contact with the alien mindscreen", and "Twilight's Last Gleaming" I guess the props should also go to the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, John Cale, and Sonic Youth. This song makes you want to move. It's so strange in the intro that you are basically riveted to the track, waiting for it to unfold. Listen to the whole thing, or you just won't get it. A collaboration between all three members of Phrygia. |
MP3.com CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts - buy it!
CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
The name “Perforated Envelope C” was derived from the fact that this track was set against an oscillating envelope, and the choral synths were derived from the root of C-4 (or middle C). Bright and cheerful synths comp to a beefy drum backbone, and the interplay between the various digital and acoustic timbres are pretty damn good, if we can be so brave to say. A solo endeavor by myself, along the lines of Aphex Twin and A Small Good Thing. Mellow vibes weave in and out of the chunky dnb fabric, causing some real sweet effects. I doubled the loop, but brought it back from the second chorus to include some really nice bongo work. The interesting juxtaposed rhythms seemed to write themselves in, and this track was actually more of a blessing than a curse now that it is looked back at in retrospect. For those of you who actually have surround capabilities on your system or stereo, this utilizes the full field. This track has special meaning to me, because it has managed to pull me through some really emotional times, where I thought my music was nothing but circus music. I'm glad to report that I have since lost that feeling, and I am much better now. |
MP3.com CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts - buy it!
CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2000 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts - David M. Boosamra |
Cummin Herim brings about the thought of repetition, on a larger scale than normal for us here in the Land of Phrygia. We all three collaborated on this track, which took an AWFUL long time to come to this point even. We focused on the bounce back from juxatposed rhythms, and a dark demeanor pervades the crux of this track. Dedicated to DJ Jizzello. Watch the bass levels, please. Enjoy. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
This track comes as another solo endeavor by myself, a bit back to the happier elements of music making. Mandarin Peel has a very heavy dnb flavor to it, but the beats eventually form into a danceable run that is pretty close to my heroes LoveSpirals and their melodic overtones. I was thinking alot about Eric Skogen when I made this, so I could safely say that he and LS/LSD inspired this piece tremendously. A very interesting twist revolves around the 3:48 mark. 170 bpm at 48. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra |
There is considerable individual variation in the patterns of gyri, and even the two sides of a brain differ in the arrangement of their convolutions. Interlocking gyri belonging to the right superior frontal gyrus are seen on the right side of the brain. Here we present the thought patterns of my brother Jared, and notice at once that the right hemisphere of the brain is the focalized point of abstract thought for this man in particular. On a new tangent, Phrygia presents the first in a series aptly named "Separation of the Brain". Enjoy... |
CD: Separation of the Brain
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © - 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - Jared A. Boosamra / David M. Boosamra |
With the onset of the drug effect, one sees the "action phase" or "high". During this phase the individual is hyperactive and continues either "shooting" or "popping" amphetamines many times during the day, to perpetuate the "high" as it begins to subside. The individual is unable to sleep and because of the amphetamine-induced anorexia effect may not eat. As the body becomes saturated with amphetamine, a point is reached where the individual becomes extremely suspicious and then overtly paranoid. The high energy level associated with the paranoia precipitates unpredictable and sometimes violent behavior. Because of fatigue, paranoia, or lack of drug, the individual eventually stops taking the drug and the "reaction phase" begins. As the effects of the amphetamine abate the individual experiences exhaustion and may sleep constantly for one or two days. Following this exhaustion phase, the individual often has a prolonged and severe depression, which can last for days to weeks. At this point, the abuser may start another "run" since withdrawal effects, particularly depression, can be reversed by readministration of the drug. A collaborative effort from all three members of Phrygia - 8 months in the making. |
CD: Separation of the Brain
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © - 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Vlad the Impaler – otherwise known as Lord or Count Dracula, a mean spirited bastard who would keep his teeming minions and enemies in line by impaling them through the length of their bodies with long poles that were mounted in the ground. This man went so far as to clear his land of the lame and afflicted poor populace by inviting them to an extravagant ball, upon which, when the guests were all merry and having a general blast, Vlad ordered the gates to the castle to be shut and barred, and the whole place was caught on fire, killing the inhabitants. Vlad also proved himself to be of an extraordinary macabre nature when in the midst of battle, he would eat his dinner amongst the dead. Not with them, on them. This track was composed by myself, a leaning toward a more heavy sound, with growling undertones and a bit of a dark demeanor. Fitting for such a man like Vlad, or maybe even Jeffrey Dahlmer, but I really do like the track. For similarities, well, I would have to go with Paul Schütze, Markus Schmickler, and Skinny Puppy. This track doesn't necessarily pay homage to the sickness in man, but actually provides the means upon which we may make a dark reality come to fruition. These things DID in fact happen, and this song transports you into the middle of the macabre realm in which Vlad ruled. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - David M. Boosamra |
This track might possibly be the most prolific all three members of Phrygia have managed to collaborate on. The spontaneity, and the backbeat flows like fluid throughout this track, where dnb meets cool subtle jazz horns in order to make a profound statement to the dnbscene.com staff. All three members of Phrygia agree that this is dnb. But aside from the paltry genre allocation, this track is a bit more effervescent than our latest tracks, due to Jared wanting to create two versions of this track. Here, we represent all three minds of Phrygia at work, without the vocal flow Jared wishes to lay down to another run of this grinder. A bit longer than usual, but it fully reaches a climactic yet subtle outro. Interesting to note is the slight variations in drumming to eventually pull the focus of the track away from the offbeat dnb mesh to dig up a prototype of dance-encrypted rhythm. Jared's version will be significantly different than this release, so the conscience of we here in the Land of Phrygia will be clear, knowing that we are not "cheating" and posting the same thing twice. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
The Occipital Pole plays the role as more of a reference point to the optic fibers on the anterior of the brain, thus we have associated this track with the gift of sight. Please bear in mind that we are not scientists, merely humans making music, and nothing is concrete, especially when we say it... A juxtaposed track from the hand of Jared, I took this on as a solo effort from "Superior Frontal Gyrus" and it has a definitely heavier persuasion about it, but nonetheless, pays homage to Jared's skill at making flowing rhythms come to life. Enjoy. |
CD: Separation of the Brain
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © - 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra |
Riptide of emotions, tear my heart. Singular Incident represents this thought - The mind can play tricks on you, especially when you are listening to music. Upon this premise, it is interesting to see where exactly you expect a track to go. In other words, this track is an experiment in traversing different genres and not allowing them to overtake each other in any dominant sense. That is all. It bounces all over the place, if you really think about it. A solo effort by myself. Enjoy. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © - 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra - Ryan P. Keane |
The title of this track isn't meant to be so unclear to the teeming listeners. If you know what "Trainwreck" is, you know what we're talking about. Simply put, there was a bit of an outside influence that spawned and affected this track into creation. Kind Bud Rail Road, to be specific. Aptly put, we think, as this track runs right over you, and your preconceived notions of song construction. Ryan and Jared allowed an incredible amount of introspection and altered states to formulate this track, and I simply added the heavier portion. Howling harmonics layer on top of each other, forming a rather obtuse beat of its own over the generic loop backbone. The reason the backbone is such as it is, would best be explained by the amount of focus we wanted to extend into the harmonic and distorted electric anomolies that absolutely overtake this piece. |
MP3.com CD: The Autonomous Front - buy it!
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts, LLC
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Frank Zappa (RIP) meant more to us than an emulative inspiration. He broke open the doors to evolutionary psyched Jazz with his CD "Jazz From Hell", which prompted us to look further into the madness he created with the Mothers and other such beauties like "Joe's Garage", an anthology of the post-pubescent escapades of a garage band member named Joe. Zappa encouraged the destruction of scalar stereotypes, and focused on certain instruments in his midi wailings that would simply stop the action and slow the mayhem to discernable melodies. Entrenched within the noise Frank bombarded each track with, was the secret of his talent. I personally created this track as homage to Frank Zappa, although it doesnt really take on the aspects of what he would have created. I attempted however, to capture the breath of Frank through the sporadic events encompassed in the offbeat syncopations throughout this track. A bit more focus was on the chorus, especially with our use of filters, we love filters. So I use filters. Three major turning points in the track are interconnected by what I must admit was a little bit of a nerds way of making a bridge, but thats my problem. Enjoy. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra |
One of our newest tracks, this is a testament to the fact that we really do not know what the hell we are doing. This track was so named because when you chew on a .45 ACP cartridge while attempting to create music, the brass casing for some reason starts to taste like jumbalaya. Just kidding. No, it's aptly named because I was watching a movie where Steven Seagal brutally shot someone in the mouth. This kenpo master is a living paradox. He has no REAL understanding of karate and tao, because he terminates people in his flicks with hate and anger. Oh well, so, needless to say, this track is dedicated to him, and all his bullshit. What about the music, you wonder? Well, it has a definite vrrrooom to it, and it is funky due to my brother Jared's hand. Very simplistic, it is intended to be a "lead-in" track to the Autonomous Front, a 60+ minute soundtrack we are compiling. It has many different qualities to it that can compare again to Aphex Twin, but a real groove to it that is all our own. |
MP3.com CD: The Autonomous Front - buy it!
CD: The Autonomous Front
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra |
Jared from Phrygia's contention: This is a trip through the darkened corridors of death. Obviously, either Jared has a twisted sense of romance, or he might personally think he's going to hell. We would tend to apply ourselves to the former, because this track, to the other creative side of Phrygia, is basically a ride through the likeness of Purgatory, at least in our eyes. Some force prompted this dirge, so here we have it. As for the acoustic quality, well, the bass is intense, and the general aesthetic of the song remains in the low-end spectrum. Slow and perturbedly calculated. Enjoy? Note: Try playing this backwards if you can. |
CD: un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - Jared A. Boosamra / David M. Boosamra |
We spent the longest amount of time to date on this particular track, and it serves to show in its detail. Prepare to be taken to a land of sound where no single man can reside. “The Hole Story” is a track depicting the theory of a black hole. The picture that rests alongside this track is a photo I took while on McDowell Mountains, which are located in Scottsdale, Arizona. We live here, and we have the benefit of being inspired by great things within our own State. We aren’t trying to depict the hyperbolic black hole as you would expect, we are creating a vacuum in time that transports the listener from a tinder box bongo intro right to the meat of the matter, a Moby inspired rap of sorts, then the dwindling of sound becomes apparent. Modern instruments mix into the Old World instruments, eventually subduing them, and it’s then the perfect opportunity to shatter the time barrier. We attempted to do so by incorporating some jazzy guitar spoked dnb that pretty well covers the latest in where we stand. We question the depth of the black hole in the picture, and we question the depth in this track, which becomes questionable, but we all here in the Land of Phrygia gave it a humble nod of approval, so it must be at least decent. This would have to be likened to POL, Bill Laswell, A Small Good Thing, and LoveSpirals, but our endeavors are much to be desired compared to those greats. We certainly hope you enjoy this track as much as we do. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Being subjected to the views of the self-righteous right has been a heyday of sorts for us here in the Land of Phrygia. We support the philosophy that you do unto others, yet we have been scrutinized by a few particular people brandishing a cross and claiming us as being a negative force by virtue of our tracks like “A Bullet Never Tasted So Good” and “Vlad the Impaler”. What’s more, we were told that these songs might possibly talk someone into inflicting pain or worse upon themselves. As we all know, that’s bullshit, but in honor of these pedantic cretins, we throw it right back at them with “Newd”. “Newd” is quite possibly our only throwback track, based on its sound. The way we mixed this track requires a little bit louder playback, and the full stereo field has been realized. But in that search for stereo separation, a minor but significant loss of treble occurred. You can sense the expanded compression formulae within the track, but it really is focused on the hilarious outtakes from one person called J.C., who would vociferously rebuke and damn anyone who opposed his “New Revelation” Art Bell states, “She sounds like a pussycat compared to you.” (Speaking directly to J.C. on his open caller line from the now defunct Art Bell radiobroadcasts). J.C. was incredibly learned, but his twisted philosophy, and especially his grasp on what was right and what was wrong in America was surprising to say the least, as he spouted on about eternal damnation, but condemned anyone that even so much as posed a question or inquired about his liturgical and theological anomalies inherent in his vocal rampages. This track is close to Aphex Twin, but quite absorbed in the offbeat bass drum and vertigo synths. |
MP3.com CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts - buy it!
CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
In order for this track to make any sense at all to the listener, please be advised that we used no real "jungle" samples anywhere in this track. We used the filtering capabilities of our software to take things like a rainstick, didgeridoo in D, Android loops, and Ethnicity tablas to create this brutal dnb bruiser. We created this as yet another piece to the interlocking puzzle called "The Autonomous Front". See elsewhere for details on that. We are creating pretty headstrong, angry music, but with an inherent sense of melody. We are doing this because we have experienced a severe loss in equipment ONCE AGAIN. To compensate, and to show that we woill not be put asunder, we have directed our hostilities toward our music, but our passion remains, and always shines through. Ryan Keane the framework of this track, which I can only compare to Professor X (who is much better at jungle than we are), then I took over and plastered it with beat. This is an incredibly aggressive piece, and I'm sure that those that prefer this genre will attest, it bumps. |
MP3.com CD: The Autonomous Front - buy it!
CD: The Autonomous Front
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
One of the tracks to be included on the 60+ minute soundtrack "The Autonomous Front", this is a short run that actually came out to 3:11 minutes at first, which kind of freaked me out, so I made it 3:01, with the ten second fade changed to an abrupt out. This track incorporates William S. Burroughs simply saying, "K-9 was in contact with the Alien Mind Screen", and blistering twists envelope the whole track. Very "portable" frames allowed this track to come together, collaboration between all three members of Phrygia, but based on the run my brother Jared created first. Jared comped out the beginning to the track, and the strange twists in the middle, I simply pulled them all together, and made this into another mover. You may notice that this song somehow has the characteristics of "Stoned Flog Estuary", but very minimal. It's all on its own. Enjoy! |
MP3.com CD: The Autonomous Front - buy it!
CD: The Autonomous Front
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Vertebrate takes its place upon the eventual 60+ minute soundtrack aptly titled "The Autonomous Front". This would play as Act III of the total effort, but that’s subject to change. The amount of concentration on this track is relative to the depth in which we wish to take each of these collective tracks. All I can relate this to is a very small portion of the track, which takes on suctioned tabla that reverbs something close to what Deutsch Nepal creates on "Flogging Satan Alive" Incredible acute turns are managed in this track, a collaboration between all three members of Phrygia, but especially positioned around Ryan Keane's mastery of melody. Vertebrate begins as a trip up the primordial ladder, it’s syncopative qualities tend to portray to the listener a stepped, or segmented scale that runs from the coccyx, up to between the scapulas, otherwise known as the shoulder blades. From that point, the energy of the track falls to the coccyx once again, and travels the reverse route, the route of Chi. Most proponents of Asian religious and philosophical ideologies that point in the direction of maintaining the human body from within will agree that Chi running in the opposite direction from it’s universal path (from the groin up the front, or the stomach, then chest, head, over the top, and down the spine, to only keep revolving in that fashion) is not a good thing. The ancient deadly art of Dim Muk has yet to be demonstrated to us, although we really don’t want to see it. This is what we’re talking about. Try this to some Tai’ Chi Chuan (or short form), or any Kata, and let us know what results you have. |
MP3.com CD: The Autonomous Front - buy it!
CD: The Autonomous Front
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Rune Method 44 pays homage to the incomparable Brian Eno and his album "Nerve Net". Only with the TS-404 sounds of course. Another collaboration with Ryan Keane, we hoped to polish off a track that would travel through only three states of emotion. The thing about Brian Eno is that he can present music in such a way that it is HUGE, but simple. Thick, but sparse. As God swayed, he put forth a stroke of his hand, from left to right. We were stricken with immobilizing awe as we witnessed the birth of a galaxy, not hundreds, but billions, and billions of stars. God smiled wryly, and with one breath, blew away the universe. As if he were a Tibetan monk swatting the Mandala with the back of his hand, causing the multi-colored stars to scatter and blur the Universe. Another Eno song, and God is back at it, swaying, and swiping a new wedge of Universe in his joyful state. Can Eno hypnotize God? Dare we imagine? That's why I like him, that's why I try to emulate his power, but I fear I am way short of this goal, so let's just say this song is pretty f'in good, OK? |
MP3.com CD: Chaos - buy it!
CD: Chaos
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
A short excerpt from what will eventually be a 60+ minute soundtrack, this track takes off from the beginning, enticing the listener into a room of strange color and abstract sound. An interesting twist to this track revolves around the use of a free filter to promote the snare, although we kept it a little bit subdued, to allow it that feeling of "what is this?" going. All in all, an impressive track, but wait until the soundtrack is finished, and we'll all sit back in wonder. Roundtable of ghouls dance around the Firepit of Stupendous Strength. Pass along the crotchety TS-404, for a brief interlude, and it's then off to the races. Listen to the track, and you'll get a definite desire built to know where this song goes next. A collaboration between all three members of Phrygia. |
MP3.com CD: The Autonomous Front - buy it!
CD: The Autonomous Front
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Our close personal friend Kammie Tabrizzi is quite an eccentric man, and he has a very deep perspective on life. We are proud to represent Kammie's best interests in this slight glimpse into the mind of Tabrizzi. For those of you not to quick on your ears, here's the EXACT words: "..and you know it don't look like it could go up, don't look like it go - could go down, it's just is like planetoid on/of what it'll always be; and it's kinda like freaky because I know that it's gonna be sitting there, jumping all through the generations! You know what I mean? Going, and EVERY one's going to be SEEing it , and they're going to say to their kids, "I bet you - f**kin' most thing - f**ckin' - ff - the most, commonly known two things are gonna be: 'You're either smokin' bud, or j**kin' off.'" And you know what?" [background laughter - us rolling on the floor, and Kammie resituating the microphone to face us - he knows when he's got us] "Yo-bu-he's - it's - it's probably TRUE; if, it's like, cause it's like - maybe I was taking a sh*t or something, but if yo-he-uh, like in my opinion, it's like; You've probably been watching me, and you're like "The kid's gotta be j**kin' off by now! He's GOTTA be j**kin' off, it's at least 10:30 - 10:45..." As one of the members of Phrygia puts it, "That ain't sh*t to some of the stuff he REALLY says." We all agree. |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane / Kammie Tabrizzi |
Rusted empty swingsets create a blanket of sound. The track takes on similar verb from Miles Davis and "Sketches of Spain", where we looped a couple of trombone, sax, and trumpet slurs and set it to a gyrating beat. The track hits three focal points; the buildup, the breakdown, and an attempt to restart the song. By taking four of the samples out of the 50+ we used here, we were able to produce the feeling of trying to crank start the song back up afther the breakdown. That in turn creates a lush ambient outro. Another collaboration between all three members of Phrygia. Very good music here. |
MP3.com CD: The Autonomous Front - buy it!
CD: The Autonomous Front
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
This track actually was began by no other than the legendary MoFackin' Heembo (Jimbo Glaab). He has an incredible ability to manifest "weird" into his musical passages, and I wanted to build on that premise. This track does start just like that; weird. the intro resolves to some intricate druma and percussion work, lending a very crucial helping hand when I thought I was stuck on this track. This has a sense of immediacy, yet is restrained slightly, as it never really does break loose and go too heavy, as most of our tracks tend to. Funky overlays and too many found sounds to list. MoFackin' did good, and we welcome him to the family of collaborative artists working with Phrygia. |
MP3.com CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts - buy it!
CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts / David M. Boosamra / Jimbo Glaab |
This is in all actuality a track composed primarily by my brother JAB... (j-rad142@usa.net). A very tight track on which I had only a little input, Jared managed to capture a cacophony of beats that proclaim his masterful mind. some heavy hits in this song are accompanied by what I can only describe as weird shit. Jeez, it's hard to comment on your own music, I'd have to say that this piece elaborates on our use of SFX samples to produce percussionary effects, closely resembling the work of Barmy Army, Keith LeBlanc (of Tackhead Sound System), and Consolidated. I know these are dated resemblances, but I know of no other. That's what you guys are here for. Email me suggestions! This track has been moved over to the MoFackin' Heembo Show CD, Baroni Von Munchausen taking its place on Hootie and the BlowNuts. Check out more JAB... material at www.mp3.com/stations/MoFackin_Heembo_Show |
CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - Jared A. Boosamra / David M. Boosamra |
Stoned Flog Estuary is now the first song on our THIRD CD that will be available shortly here on mp3.com, "Hootie and the BlowNuts". This track takes you out to a nice breezy beach, plays a brief prelude, then catapults you into the land of predators. Riveting music here, I highly recommend it for those who like immediate change-ups that focus on the manipulation of the mind. Props go to POL (C-Schulz, Marcus Schmickler, and Christoph Kahse) for inspiration on this effort. This track seems so ethereal at first, you would think you were walking on a willy Wonka path of candies. The occasional ripping synth reminds you that danger approaches. Bliss turns to fear, as you take flight from what stalks you. You keep running, looking back at a shadow looming overhead, about to swoop down on you and claim you for lunch. Do you manage to escape? |
MP3.com CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts - buy it!
CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Another fantastic augmentation to the page. This track is a collaboration between all three members of Phrygia. We managed to get a really meditative state set with a groovy beat, and sudden claps bring you into another dimension. The outro is twisted, and it convolutes on itself. Most definitely a grand effort by all of us. |
MP3.com CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show - buy it!
CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Looking back in retrospect, this track has a very humble origin, meaning the samples used were basically all we had to work with at that time, and we are fully aware now that a lot of those samples are becoming redundantly overused in the music arena. So, we could either revamp the sample list, or go with the flow. We chose to go with the flow, as the song suggests. This is one of the coolest tracks I think Phrygia has created. Because to us, its timelessness, and the incredibly obtuse adaptations of tribal drumming pull together a track with the utmost clarity. It wishes to support you in your little trip you might take when you shut your eyes and let the thoughts flow. I was thinking Crash Worship ADRV and Z'ev when we created this, so there you go with familiars. A bit infantile maybe with the native voice, but it was stretched to give it that flair of the ether. Enjoy. |
MP3.com CD: Chaos - buy it!
CD: Chaos
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
This is in all actuality a track composed primarily by my brother JAB... (j-rad142@usa.net). A very tight track on which I had only a little input, Jared managed to capture a cacophony of beats that proclaim his masterful mind. some heavy hits in this song are accompanied by what I can only describe as weird shit. Jeez, it's hard to comment on your own music, I'd have to say that this piece elaborates on our use of SFX samples to produce percussionary effects, closely resembling the work of Barmy Army, Keith LeBlanc (of Tackhead Sound System), and Consolidated. I know these are dated resemblances, but I know of no other. That's what you guys are here for. Email me suggestions! This track has been moved over to the MoFackin' Heembo Show CD, Baroni Von Munchausen taking its place on Hootie and the BlowNuts. Check out more JAB... material at www.mp3.com/stations/MoFackin_Heembo_Show |
MP3.com CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts - buy it!
CD: Hootie and the BlowNuts
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra |
Sometimes, I have a hard time expressing what I would like to about a song. This is one of those songs. This track is a collaboration between my brother Jared and I. The title connotes exactly how it starts... smooth. The drumwork here gets real heavy, and the guitar comps are brazen. Very cool track from JAB... Most highly recommended! See JAB... and his other works at www.mp3.com/stations/Mofackin_Heembo_Show |
MP3.com CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show - buy it!
CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - Jared A. Boosamra / David M. Boosamra |
Paul from Dissolved threatens: "The gathering of sonic teasers that are Phrygia are so hard to pin down that it took me a while to try and choose a track from their excellent page. Yes they jump around in genres and throw things up like this that puzzle and please in one stroke. Time signature trickery melted with an industrial sound that has not been classified yet, forms a bond with elasticized space beats from a 70's Sci-fi film, re-shot for the millennium by Cylob fans. Great stuff." Man, we couldn't have said it better ourselves. Thank you, sir. Holy cripes, Commander! We were hit with 27 terabytes of 128 bit encrypted penetration virii. We request immediate assistance in the Linux room! Machine age warfare on the level of human driven robots, and space immobilizes. This track is reminiscent of some of the incredible work laid down by Buckethead, especially his solo work. If I had an electric guitar (mine were STOLEN) I would have made a meager attempt at creating something a little closer to what Buckethead can accomplish, but I digress. I'll let it lay in the hands of the true master, to whom I most humbly acknowledge as one of the best EVER. Epsilon is one of my favorites too, however. It's brutal on your speakers at high volume, and jumps around with quirky beats. If you close your eyes, you could probably imagine the warship flying by the warfield. Recommended. |
MP3.com CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show - buy it!
CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra |
This track is just blowing up with positive feedback, and I honestly can see why, Jared out did himself here. This is a collaboration with my brother Jared (JAB...) and we have managed to turn out yet another mover and shaker. This song brings on feelings of something really esoteric, like a brisk autumn day. You know, that kind of shit. This song also has the uncanny ability to resurrect itself from muddle. What I mean by that is this track was damn near shelved because we seemed to have lost interest in it. A good day turns into a better one when Jared is in a creative mood, and we swap the chair for a while. Speeding along at the speed of the human heart when under extreme duress, or heavily excited, Skinblown takes off from the outset and never looks back. The sense of urgency is one that is acceptable, and actually sweet. Fast and impetuous this is another highly recommended song, from both Jared and I. |
MP3.com CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show - buy it!
CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra |
I expected a total eclipse after hearing this song, because it moves the world. This has some HEAVY duty Material, Bill Laswell, Eno kind of flavor, yet leaves you completely satisfied. Jared somehow turned this into a closely articulated Shinjuku Thief soundscape, then tapers it nicely to cut out at the right time. Try this if you enjoy seeing music. |
MP3.com CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show - buy it!
CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - Jared A. Boosamra / David M. Boosamra |
Public Statement by the Rev. Jesse Jackson: Due to the great consternation caused by the revelation of my act of procreation, I accept my obligation to give an explanation to the population for my act of copulation. I gave in to temptation, for the anticipation of sexual gratification that I could not obtain through masturbation, resulting in my fornication. I accepted her invitation, and provided her with excitation, stimulation, penetration, replication, and liberation. She provided lubrication (to avoid inflammation) and I wore condoms to avoid contamination. She cried for duplication but I insisted upon termination, in spite of her fascination with variation. This has caused me great aggravation, and the agitation and provocation of the media has resulted in my humiliation, denigration, and degradation. My wife is considering castration, which would require my hospitalization. Pray that this matter will find culmination in my sanctification and rehabilitation so that my plans for nomination to my ultimate vocation will not result in revocation and termination. I hope this proclamation has provided illumination and verification and will prohibit further provocation. Sincerely, The Rev. Jesse Jackson (author unknown) OK, this has been likened to early Herbie Hancock. Why? We have no idea. Simple tune, basically revolving around the fat retarded (hey, we're grown-ups) TS-404 jaunting through the back. This is what I imagined: A blustery day at the Special Olympics, as we view the opening ceremonies. At the far end of the track, the procession begins. A desperate attempt to maintain order of the roving children, all stricken with some sort of handicap, proves fruitless. Mongos march in separate directions, the crowd completely amused by the spectacle, starts to flash bulbs incessantly. That's my idea of fun. |
MP3.com CD: Chaos - buy it!
CD: Chaos
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra |
Criminy, this song has a LOT of electronic flurries running around in it. This can be imagined: A renegade troupe of Ewoks form a military band devoted solely to raising the state of mind...In a desperate but valiant attempt to reach other lifeforms outside the galaxy they inhabit, a transmission is made. Approximate transmission time was 364 seconds. We here in the Land of Phrygia Audio Capture and Scrutiny Department are proud to bring this, our latest snag from the airwaves of Endor. This is yet another collaboration with Ryan Keane, and it is busy. Ambient drums roll out of thunder, and ewoks parade across the grounds. Recommended for the truly coherent. |
MP3.com CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show - buy it!
CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
My, how we smash things up here in the Land of Phrygia. A little taste of the likes of Pigface for you all. This track will bash in your speakers, and lash out some great phrases that make this song another favorite of mine. HEAVY drums here, so be prepared to watch the volume level at about 1/3 through the song. A collaboration with BOTH my brother Jared, and Ryan Keane. Check out www.mp3.com/stations/Mofackin_Heembo_Show for more. |
MP3.com CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show - buy it!
CD: MoFackin' Heembo Show
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: Copyright 2000 - David M. Boosamra / Jared A. Boosamra / Ryan P. Keane |
Kammie Tabrizzi flies on a totally different course than most of us. Witness the entry and eventual fall from Theta. Here are the words in detail: "...it's so much weight, and what happens in society, because of the amount of energy I take up and I expose and I'm allowed to have. I changed - the Presidency for Al Gore, he lost the Presidency, because - I wanted someone's name with a drug innuendo. So they, they, they brought in Bush... from nowhere. Bush - outta nowhere, here comes Bush in the election, and he's WON the race! Bush. Sounds like TWO good drug innuendos, you know, 'cause, they have that - I'm not very big on this here BEER thing, but they have that Busch Beer - Busch - you know, and then they got Budweiser. Take a look and break it up into a few words and it's giving you a message. It says Bud-weis-er - you know? Two words.It's saying a statement... did you get it? Hello, hello? OK, then and B- back to Busch...BUSCH the beer, OK, and then you think of something - and you think of something that's gonna make you happy. And what would-n-ight make you more happy, then walking along your way... [isn't that spelled B-U-S-C-H?] and be, well, yes, there's the pushy bish - I mean p-pussy bu-bush, and then of course there's - what would make you happy if you're walking right by and there's a BIG FAT BUSH in front of ya? Ya know? [it's gonna smell good...] A big fat bush! You just could - could look at it you know, cause that's what you do at first, you'd look at it and you'd say "Wowwwww... No it isn't" Yes it is. "Nooo, couldn't be!" Yes, it is. Yes, i-i-I-it most for certainly is. It IS Bush, right here in front of me, right here, right now. And I think - I'd like to take a few clippin's, off the bush. Cause that's what would make ya happy, you'd take the - you'd probably take the whole f**kin' harvest, because you'd be like (in a high shrill voice- "Owwuh, no-one's found it yet") so no-one probably f**kin' actually put the seed to grow the f**kin' bush, so you're NOT like you're f**kin' stealing somebody else's f**kin' - f**kin' harvest over here, that they've been so working so carefully, and worked so long-and it'd just grow enough to fu-fo so you can f**kin' see it, and f**kin' 'ead bud it. So b-oh, I shouldn't have probably said budded, it'd probably f**kin' let them know that I'm talkin' about pot... Computers - how ya' doin? Let me get ya high today - let me get ya hiiiigh." |
CD: Un Chien Andalusia Mangez Le Chat
Label: Integrated Arts
Credits: © 2001 - Phrygia / Integrated Arts, LLC - David M. Boosamra / Kammie Tabrizzi |