Pastor Rick speak on resting and find breathing space in our lives. |
CD: Spiritual Messages from Concordia Lutheran Church
The Apostles' Creed as we now have it dates from the eighth century. However, it is a revision of the so-called Old Roman Creed, which was used in the West by the third century. Behind the Old Roman Creed, in turn, were variations which had roots in the New Testament itself. While this creed does not come from the apostles, its roots are apostolic. It serves as a Baptismal symbol -- that is, it describes the faith into which we are baptized and is used in the rites of Baptism and Affirmation of Baptism. |
CD: Spirital Messages from Concordia Lutheran Church
Pastor Rick speaks about what Jesus wants from us, and what it means to live for God. |
CD: Spiritual Messages from Concordia Lutheran Church