"please made a sacrifice, give me new life" Relax and take the time to listen a new kind of metal, hope you enjoy it... |
MP3.com CD: Nameless.eXp.variatiOns - buy it!
CD: Nameless: experimental variatiOns
Label: pmtmusic
Credits: Pri.Ma.Te. |
A powerfull track, mixes of thrash, speed, death, with diferent moods...a piece of real and honest music... "Sorry man but don't follow asking why..." |
MP3.com CD: Nameless.eXp.variatiOns - buy it!
CD: Onyrik
Label: PMTinc.
Credits: Pri.Ma.Te. |
I am trying to help you.I am understanding youI am giving to you an illusionA reason to live for... |
MP3.com CD: Nameless.eXp.variatiOns - buy it!
CD: Nameless: exPerimentAl variatiOns
Label: pmtnOise
Credits: Pri.Ma.Te. |