somewhat ambient, drummy bassish, breakbeatish, fxedish to the maxish. get it? |
do you dream in space and erotica. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
after watching Hellraiser III and learning that "Flesh and Soul" is the food of everything in between good and evil - this was the outcome. the bass should rock your clock radio speakers... |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
back and forth and back. bouncin off the walls. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
laid back like the way Ice Cube represented on "Lethal Injection." Ok, well maybe not. But oh well. Add lyrics and let me know so I can check it out. |
relaxed hip hop beat. its a little jazzy. add lyrics to this if you like. |
a dreamy, atmospheric breakbeat remix of The Laziest Men on Mars popular "invasion of the gabber robots". robots are cool! |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
Credits: The Laziest Men on Mars: Original Track. DJ Catatonic: Remix |
this started as the basis for a hip-hop beat but progressed into a trip-hop / electronica or big beatish track. very mellow with and sometimes piercing. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
hard wicked rolling bassline, high notes, scary randomness. play loud, use deep bass, and prepare to take flight. |
utilizes the same drum pattern until breaks, many effects, vocal stabs, 666, lil scratchin, samples of third world country people yelling, violins, etc... a little something for the crew at bangedup.com. |
juglish trancish i dont know ish.
"fuck off." |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
was supposed to be a remix of forty elevens "uncertainity" track, but i havent been able to contact them to let them know. either way, its a dimensional ambient drum & bass track with decent bass, a guitar riff in the middle, and echoed female vocals. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
get ready for war cause this one has deep bass, fem fatale vocals, and the ragga man warns you to get ready. listen for the left/right sounds flipping back and forth for a 3-d experience. this progresses as it goes on. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
flanged before breaks, cool bassline, and it didnt have a name till 3 days after it was produced. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
trance remix of the unusually abrasive pink inside original. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
kinda house, kinda trance, im not really sure. has a cool buildup in the middle, a whistle beat that traps itself in your mind, and a little 3-d sound effects blowing from ear to ear. take a hypothetical walk on LSD and don't smoke because it is bad. (i don't promote the use of drugs or similar products. but penile pumps are ok) |
deep percussion, build ups and fades, a little slower then previous tracks, but this may be more meditative or moving. Dj Leopanda is the influence and motivation for Shallow Zinary. |
G.E.M.A.D. rippin vocals on the drum & bass track. it's not our fault your kid goes to school with a gun. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
this one is just over two minutes long of absolute melodic chaos. a result of being irritated one night. ever want to throw things? jumping around is safer and better then humping strangers or being violated...try it. sound effects don't go well with lofi play, hifi or downloading is always better quality sound, for any track. i am starting to like distortion...hear the kick? - has seen rotation on the MIXDOWN, 91.1 fm - WRVU -Nashville tennessee. =) |
a klubbish remix of "5 elementz" featuring DUNGEON SQUAD and DIGITAL UNDERGROUND. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
remastered for 2003. the original bass was for people with enhanced woofers, but everyone should be able to handle this version.
has been played at SHAKERS: a GO-GO bar in New Jersey. ( o Y o ) |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
reminds me a little of Saafir and Sadat X, and what they might be heard rhyming over. |
uploaded the night US began military strikes in Iraq, March 19, 2003. Remember the peace and humanity, because both of them lessen each day. |
Inspired by Matrix and Fight Club. Lots of violence and special effects. Let the drums, vocals, and ripsaw build up to the explosion, thats when the fight happens. Go start a fight. Let me know if you win. TOP 3 song! |
just over 2 minutes long. play loud and close eyes. deep bass, strange samples thanks to TapeGerms, and an out of place break for a few seconds. Arranged in about an hour. |
CD: The Next TapeGerm Compilation
Credits: TapeGerm for the free samples. |
produced in Mav's hypothetical basement...requires concentration to hear correctly. The rhymes may seem weak at first, but pay it no mind. I guarantee you'll come away from this a little wiser. |
Credits: Lyrics by Mav @ mp3.com/mav /\ Beat by DJ Catatonic and Midknight & Jeudah |
Mix contains DJ Doo, Micah, The E.C. Connection, 303 Dreams, DJ Fuqed, and Trance-4-Eternity from HardCorePromo.com (in that order). this version is simply mixed better. same songs as the prior upload. |
CD: upcoming mix cd to be given away free with purchased tshirts
Credits: killer hardcorepromo.com trance artists mixed by dj catatonic |
K.C.S. kills it while letting everyone know that the Freedoms of Speech are not to be messed with. Plotted lyrics with the beat by DJ Catatonic and Midknight & Jeudah |
Credits: DJ Catatonic, Midknight & Jeudah, and Killa Clan Syndicut |
a mix between trip-hop, hip-hop, big beat, and down tempo...slow enough to lay back, but fast enough to rhyme over. add lyrics to this and let me know. |
little bit of everything...orchestra hits, guitar riffs, atmospheres, bass, and the drum line. |
MP3.com CD: Rubber Izm - buy it!
well, it is supposed to have some latin flava - hope this works! cha cha cha! |
atmosphereic, somewhat peaceful, but can pound if you let it. |
faster and a harder than the original. |
short 2 minute take on hip-hop. possibly something to freestyle over - nothing hard, just a somewhat creepy, dark beat to flow over with two small breaks for a mini chorus or extended verse. if you flow on this, let me know. |
a "club" version of the breakbeat/jungle mix that did well on charts for a little while. |
hip hop vocals on a dance track. |
Credits: lyrics by Derbi & GEMAD. Beat by DJ Catatonic |
opening on the run, and dropping a heavy bass line a moderate kick, and some acidic melody with a random evil lines from a dark voice. used as an opening for an animation presentation at Kutztown University. |
you can fight, f*ck, or dance to this, and i prefer you do the second. ends with a steady beat for dj's to mix into. i'll tweak a new, more fx'ed version at a later date. |
rides smooth till the middle where it breaks into a mini chaotic orgasm of audibles. |
K.C.S. kills it while letting everyone know that the Freedoms of Speech are not to be messed with. Plotted lyrics with the beat by DJ Catatonic and Midknight & Jeudah |
Credits: InFaMuS, DJ Catatonic, Midknight & Jeudah, Killa Clan Syndicut |
emotions running through the horizon...it's 11:11 - make a wish. melodic basslines and peaceful strings mend audibles and newly added vocals. |
something i kinda did off the top of my head because i was absolutely bored and i hate all the pop rappers out now...like smelly, puff dorky, and more. |
Credits: lyrics/vocals: dj catatonic /\ beat: midknight & jeudah, dj catatonic |
builds and a cool progresson. can ya dig it? Just hit the Top 100.... - has seen rotation on the MIXDOWN, 91.1 fm - WRVU -Nashville tennessee. =) |
cult? who do you follow? |
chillin synths and a piano riff to close it out. kinda relaxing...- has seen rotation on the MIXDOWN, 91.1 fm - WRVU -Nashville tennessee. =) |
specifically for dj B of wrvu, 91.1 fm - the mixdown, in nashville tennessee! |
hee-haw. had to get the electric guitar in there for the hell of it....just an interlude to take up space on unfilled cds. fast drum sounds. neat ending. |
you may think its about to end...it keeps going...anger and frustration...a little insane at times. |
hard, deep kick and some synth actions mixed in with human nature. may be a nice relaxing track to play in a dark room hallucinating with someone else...i dont know, experiment or something. TOP 40 SONG! |
whatever. it's some sort of dnb/breakbeat thing. |
SOUNDTRACK FOR AMATUER PORN !!!!!---i wish!--most mellow song here...some neat sounds. you judge it. TOP 40 SONG!!! |
play loud or se headphones. close eyes. let mind take over. its my first attempt at a mood/ambient. it ends with an instrumental, sudden, orgasmic bang. |
full version is much longer, and has a little more detail. |
another KYNT remix. this guy has killer vocals. housy but a little trancish near the end. |
Credits: KYNT on the vocals! |
KYNT provided some killer vocals, and i worked on a kick ass beat for the rubber doll remix? i was talking to a girl about a rubber doll that leaks stupidity air, so rubber doll remix just kinda stuck =) TOP 20! |
Credits: KYNT = vocals... -CATATONIC- = beat |
simplicity and acidic sounds traveling 130 bpm. |
slightly housy, melodic, and progressive at the same time, might go good in a video game of some sort - has seen rotation on the MIXDOWN, 91.1 fm - WRVU -Nashville tennessee. =) |
vocalized version contains lyrics by the Beastie Boys. instrumental contains samples from Gorgeous Girl. vocal version only available at the beastie boys label site. look for it under the name FRANKENSTYNE 109 or 109 FRANKENSTYNE. Vocal mix is much better. |
Credits: gorgeous girl & beastie boys & frankenstyne |
interlude with subliminal backwards message. try to figure it out. |
recording of an actual orgy fused with some fitting music. pay attention to the people in the background...its funny near the end. this is what your neighbors could be doing...weird huh? what do you read? TOP 40 SONG !!! |
Credits: frankenstyne; dj bongbreath from Sound of Fuck |
dreamy and atmospheric. |
Done for a Tom Green contest. I didn't have the patience to do anything longer then a minute. This is not a joke, this is my favorite song ever. ok so i'm kidding, but we get to say SCHLONG and DING DONGand so it's funny. |
slightly laid back, chillout vibe with a beat. guitar riffs laced sporadically, vocal samples intricately placed, piano keys pushed in sporadic nature, and the rest just flows like wet noodles on a fork. |
Dj Catatonic mixes in dark, erotic sound effects, Marjie rips the keyboard. we are Emphatic. any questions? |
Credits: Pure Evilness & I |
the original version without the enigmatic chanting. trip to this. |
seriously, has anyone else thought of this?? at 11 seconds in length, its amazing how it works. let me know what you think of this. Has reached the number one spot!! |
Credits: a great mind for marketing. |
laid back, chillin, kicks in near the end. this beat is available for use by rappers. please contact me first so I know what's up. |
a little shorter, with some extra shizzz....=) |
this was inspired by the movie BLADE, during the BLOODBATH rave scene where blood showers on viscious vampires lusting for a feast. there are vocals to this. TOP 40 Track!!! |
gorgeous girl mixed with dj catatonic mixed with hip-hop vocalist derbi = this mix right here...check it out. Frankenstyne is dj catatonic's ol school act... |
Credits: Original production by Gorgeous Girl (BMI). Vocals by Elias. Remix by Dj Catatonic. |
a quicky one two punch, 3:30 minutes, 140 bpm...a lil vocals and a harder beat at the second half. kinda progressive. has been played on 91.1 fm, WRVU in nashville TN. =) |
could even be passed as a spinoff of stinkbox, but it wasnt intended to be. features lil't. word up bitch. |
Credits: dj catatonic & lil't on vocals - www.mp3.com/KrazyLILT |
attack of the airhorn...a little ambience in the middle, and back to the beginning. =) |
horror. madness. planetary asylums. hallucinate to this. dark voice in the background, spacemen, sexy voices, and a break in the middle. hope you like this! has a cool acidic appregio kick in at about 3:00 - has seen rotation on the MIXDOWN, 91.1 fm - WRVU -Nashville, and WNMC-FM 90.7 in Michigan |
full version is much much longer. this was cut down for specific airplay on 91.1 fm - WRVU, in nashville - music city!! it has slightly creepy feel to it and hopefully paints some kind of strange mental picture for you...close your eyes...TOP 40 !!! |
longer, more meditative. fall asleep to this...dream... |
CD: next tapegerm compilation
Credits: tapegerm samples |
laid back and chillin like oscar - not dillon. |
mellow breaks with some guitar riffs. think of the Crow when he is on the top of a building playing the guitar... |
quick one two punch - subliminal repetition of "catatonic". killadelph is a psuedonym for Philadelphia. The Roots, and other people from Philly will know what I'm talkin about. a lil tech step, 1,2 beat. |
in dedication to a girl who received a "money shot". one of my better organized recordings. i try to pretend the song will be over, only for it to kick right back in. kinda chilled out breaks compared to "Rock Knots" which is hard and acidic. Vocals are recorded by me. |
This track is for FREE use in the DJ Catatonic "Hot Lyrics Contest"! Download this for free and add the best lyrics to it. Email me when your track is complete. Check www.hardcorepromo.com for full details about the remix. |
Credits: MidKnight & Jeudah / DJ Catatonic |
soft, nothingness transformed into harsh, abrassive perfection. close eyes and use surround sound or headphones. crank bass. enjoy. |