On a brief mishap that took several days to fix, Joe and his drunk friend, Egg, accidently got locked out of their ship. Somehow they had forgotten the code. Maybe, to many gargleblasters. The ship's computer, "andoid" kept repeating over and over, "what's the code punk, what's the code punk, what's....." |
MP3.com CD: Egg and Joe's Cosmic Adventure - buy it!
CD: Egg and Joe's Cosmic Adventure
Label: AudioGoblin
Credits: Egg and Joe |
By shear chance, egg and joe passed part of the ship through an astroid field. For several parsecs they were abscolded by spikes of electric current that were caused by the rocks bombarding with the anti-matter conversions from the protective layer. The experience was mildly painful and somewhat pleasing. On the flight recorder, in the background, Joe was heard saying, "This is better than that S&M bar in the Tylon sector." |
MP3.com CD: Egg and Joe's Cosmic Adventure - buy it!
CD: Egg and Joe's Cosmic Adventure
Label: AudioGoblin
Credits: Egg and Joe |
Late night improv after "that" bar in the Tylon sector. Joe had 9 intergalactic gargleblasters! |
MP3.com CD: Egg and Joe's Cosmic Adventure - buy it!
CD: Egg and Joe's Cosmic Adventure
Label: AudioGoblin
Credits: Egg and Joe |