Deep melancholy and a yearning for truth. An improvisation with synthesist Steven Sauve (karmafarm) performed on the sound:escape ambient radio program on www.1groove.com August 13th, 2000. |
Credits: cheryl o + Steven Sauve |
An evocation of beauty lost, the heart's ache and the spirit which must rebuild. An exerpt from a 14 minute dark ambient drone inprovisation by cheryl on cello, delays and loops with Wally Jericho on trumpet, space samples, treatments and loops. |
Credits: cheryl o + Wally Jericho |
Slowly and inexorably, the river carries you deeper and deeper into the enveloping darkness... An improvisation recorded with Andrew Aldridge (guitar, treatments and loops) on December 19th, 2000 at Planet Of The Loops. |
Credits: cheryl o + Andrew Aldridge |
First contact with a new species! Turn on your Universal Translator or stick a Babel Fish in your ear. An improvisation with Steven Sauve (karmafarm) on synthesizers, Arnold Sprogis on guitar and Wally Jericho on space samples - recorded live on the sound:escape ambient radio program on 1groove.com - August 13th 2000. |
Credits: cheryl o + Steven Sauve + Arnold Sprogis + Wally Jericho |
The raft is empty... An improvisation by cheryl on cello & electronics and Andrew Aldridge on guitar & electronics recorded December 19th, 2000 at Planet Of The Loops. This section closed the first set that night. |
Credits: cheryl o + Andrew Aldridge |
Kresh from sound:escape on 1groove.com interviews cheryl o after her performance on The Ambient Ping's 1st Anniversary special August 13th 2000. Find out how fate brought cheryl to looping and playing ambient music, learn what equipment she uses and hear her thoughts on encountering Planet Of The Loops and The Ambient Ping. In the background is an ambient improvisation by Steven Sauve and Wally Jericho - used with permission. (11:30) |
Credits: cheryl o + Kresh with music by Steven Sauve + Wally Jericho |