"1898" is a piece for solo piano that was commissioned by Gabriel Masson Dance in the summer of 2000. Although they liked the piece, they rejected it for the particular project they were choreographing. 1898 is the year that both my mother's maternal grandmother and her paternal grandmother were born. I knew both great-grandmothers and although they were both born and died in Louisiana, they were very different people. You can hear their personalities in the following (part 2 and part 3) sections. The Glory Be is a a Catholic prayer and I chose it to open this piece. Although this is my instrumental interpretation of the prayer, I have inscribed the prayer in the lyrics section. |
CD: Pieces for Solo Piano
This is the second part of "1898". Una Reed died in 1992, one month after the birth of my son, Scott Detweiler, Jr. His birth made her a great-great-grandmother. |
CD: Pieces for Solo Piano
This is the third section of 1898. Catherine Simoneaux is my mother's grandmother (my great grandmother) and she died around 1975. She was also born in 1898, just at Una Reed was. We called her "Baba", which was a nickname given to her by my mother when she was learning to talk. She couldn't say "mama", hence, "baba", which was her version, stuck. She was very sweet and would do anything for anyone. This piece reflects that about her. I hope you enjoy it. |
CD: Pieces for Solo Piano