Penned by K. Guye and M. Godwin and a former #9 on the MP3 New Age Charts.... This is a dreamy tripped out lost love song with a tropical paradise as it's escape destination. Or is the song just a metaphor for a broken heart seeking inward escape far from a cold reality? |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals; Kathi Guye Music; Mitch Godwin |
MP3 FANS !!! HERE'S THE PERFECT "WITCHY" LOVE SONG !! Rising to #12 on the MP3 Pop Vocal Charts recently......... this song is a funky pop song about a witchy woman casting her love spell...Written by Kathi Guye and Mitchell Godwin |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Lead Vocals: Kathi Guye , Backing Vocals: Cheryl Betts , Music: Mitchell Godwin |
Written by Kathi Guye and Mitch Godwin, this is a contemporary Blues Pop song, with a sexy love song groove. "let's fly away and feast on love!" This song is a WSTW's Hometown Hero's Song! Thanks to "Johnny B." |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals by Kathi Guye; Music by Mitch Godwin |
Hymne A L'amour, written and sung by French performer Edith Piaf in 1949, is truly the love ballad for the NEW MILLENIUM. Inspired by Legendary Brenda Lee's performance and arrangement, " Angyl Rayz" brings you a more contemporary arrangement translated to English (If You Love Me, Really Love Me) and sung by Kathi Guye. This is a favorite of DJ and Guitarist of Bill Halley and the Comets, "Brian Lee Hart". We thank him many times over for playing our version on WVUD and other stations. |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower Records
Credits: written by: Edith Piaf, G. Parsons, Marguerite Monnot. Arranged and performed by Kathi Guye and Mitchell Godwin |
This sizzling anthem pop/rock song with an oxymoran title, penned by K. Guye and M. Godwin,will get your body moving!! |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals by Kathi Guye; Music by Mitch Godwin |
RECENT #1 SONG ON MP3'S POP SPIRITUAL CHARTS!!....... ( Lift The Veil )IS DEDICATED TO THE VICTIMS, THEIR FAMILY AND A NATION THAT MOURNS. GOD BLESS THE USA !...............( Lift The Veil is a contemporary pop/rock hymne a l'amour. If you have gone through any bad times this song will speak to you. " Lift the Veil" was originally unveiled at a BMI song showcase at the ledgendary "Bitter End" in NYC. (You can click at the appropiate box for the lyrics); Written by Kathi Guye and Mitch Godwin |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals by Kathi Guye ; Music by Mitch Godwin |
Penned by K. Guye and M. Godwin, this song is a statement against child abuse, mental and physical and it's eventual effect on mankind. This song was selected and played on the radio Station KOSI in Denver Co. in memory and dedication to who had died and survived the Columbine High school massacre. We were honored and humbled to have our song selected. |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals by Kathi Guye; Music by Mitch Godwin |
This is a wind up music box type of song. It's theme is simply a statement of unconditional love. A song for a young child. Written by; Mitchell Godwin and K. Guye |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angel Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals by Kathi Guye Music; Mitch Godwin |
Love can be a nasty microcosm of a full fledge bloody war with it's final unconditional surrender. War cry is a song of emotional conflict that will rock your boat! Written By K. Guye and M. Godwin |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals; Kathi Guye Music; Mitch Godwin |
A love ballad by K. Guye and M. Godwin that could have been penned by the Bee Gees. If you are looking for a lovesong for a reunion, proposal or a wedding, look no further. |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals by Kathi Guye; Music by Mitch Godwin |
This is a Gothic Pop Song, penned by K. Guye and M. Godwin. A high drama opera about reaching out to a lost soul with a musical landscape surrounded by a electronic symphony. |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals by Kathi Guye; Music by; Mitch Godwin |
Written by; K. Guye and M. Godwin.... This is a hot love fantasy dance mix song that pulsates it's house rythym behind the sultry singing of Kathi Guye . |
MP3.com CD: ANGYL RAYZ is Coming - buy it!
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower
Credits: Vocals By K. Guye ; Music by M. Godwin |
Hymne A L'amour, written and sung by French performer Edith Piaf in 1949, is truly the love ballad for the new millennium. Inspired by Legendary Brenda Lee's performance and arrangement, " Angyl Rayz" brings you a more contemporary arrangement translated to English (If You Love Me, Really Love Me) and sung by Kathi Guye. This is a favorite of DJ and Guitarist of Bill Halley and the Comets, "Brian Lee Hart". We thank him many times over for playing our version on WVUD and other stations. |
CD: Angyl Rayz is Coming
Label: Star*Thrower Records
Credits: written by: Edith Piaf, G. Parsons, Marguerite Monnot. Arranged and performed by Kathi Guye and Mitchell Godwin |