This a tune about the ultimate relationship. You and the bride of life in the final stand-off. It demands that you put out the fire or you will “...hunger in the darkness , frightened for my life...”. The lines say it all. Fear, Love and fascination with the inner fire and the conscious recognition of the end. There is one reference to James Taylor’s ‘Fire and rain’ and Harry Chapin “...going round, in circles made of pain...”- all my life’s a circle. “..waiting for the spring...” the image of re-birth,-the hope in the conscious of it all being okay. |
CD: SuperJelly
Credits: Composed by SuperJelly and Roy Ramlall. Produced by Marc Lapadula |
Arrest! Need I say more. Living inside yourself at the moment of violation. There is a moment of premonition then being under siege and on the floor......Face down! |
CD: SuperJelly
Credits: Composed by SuperJelly and Roy Ramlall. Produced by Marc Lapadula |
Instrumental song with some really good guitar playing from Mike. |
CD: SuperJelly
Credits: Composed by SuperJelly and Roy Ramlall. Produced by Marc Lapadula |