This song will be part of our next full-length release and is, for the time being, available exclusively via this mp3 site. This song is about what is pumped into millions of American homes every day via the television: programs created by people who actually look up to Geraldo Rivera. The song further addresses the guilt one feels when getting sucked into a show about such banal topics as "my horny teen-age daughter got jungle fever" or whatever. the final resolution is not to blame the age for what it has created, but the race, which seems so prone to rage. so get prone.
produced lovingly by ed ackerson at flowers studio
played by faux jean, jean angel, gene wire, jean d'ax, faux wayne, and grinder |
CD: pending
Label: New Fidelity
Credits: schindler (ascap) |
This next one is the first song on our new album
this is the only song on this site that was recorded and mixed and mastered in a fancy, expenisive studio. a studer 2 inch 24 track pumped through michael jackson's old Neve console made this song what it is. the rest of the songs on this site are lo fi demos where faux jean the boy played and sang everything, as a writing tool mainly. recorded to a tascam portastudio and mixed straight to real jukebox with no real touch up, these are raw ideas which expose the listener the songwriting aesthetic without giving away the secret of how the rest of Kiss Life on the Lips might sound. |
CD: Kiss Life on the Lips
Label: New Fidelity
Credits: mixed and produced by bryan hanna |
burning a hole in my pocket / burning a hole in my ozone / if i thrill i cannot stop it / if you thrill then i've no self control |
Label: New Fidelity
Credits: schindler (ascap) |