The horse-drawn milk cart disappeared from the streets of Dublin finally in the early 70's. I remember one of the milkmen being interviewed on TV when they finally changed over to motorized vehicles. The emotion in his face was very apparent when he said, "You can't talk to a van." I suppose you can't exactly talk to a horse either, but you know what he meant. |
CD: Where Do I Go From Here
Label: Ould Sagosha
Credits: Written by Brendan Nolan. Copyright 2002 Ould Sagosha Music. |
CD: Familiar Brew
Label: Ould Sagosha
Credits: Released 1998. By Robert Burns. |
The story for this song came from a conversation with a fellow from Newfoundland who claimed to be directly descended from the young Beresford. The only thing I know for sure is that John C. Beresford did torture suspected rebels during the 1798 rebellion. The rest is makey-up. |
CD: Across The Great Divide
Label: Ould Sagosha
Credits: Words and Music by Brendan Nolan. Copyright 1992 Brendan Nolan (SOCAN). |