An ode to fallen rapper 2Pac. Not really. In reality, we believe that someone had used spare parts from other dead rappers to create some kind of "super rapper," which is set to destroy the world in the fourth quarter of 2001. Perhaps we're right. We won't know until then. While you're waiting, enjoy our tribute to the end. |
CD: Deleted Scenes
Label: Hot Chick Records
Credits: Special thanks to 2Pac...for dying. |
Whenever George W. Bush enters a room, I think this song should be his anthem. Thick hip-hop beats and plenty of other goodies await those who have gathered to hear him attempt to verbalize the English language. Hoorah! |
CD: Insomnia
Label: Rabbit Foot Records
Credits: Special thanks to the Prez. Yoda Man! |
Another revamped single from my Twisted Gibberish Society days. Remixed and remastered for a 2002 re-release. Nice little dance number for the hyper-spastic. |
CD: Insomnia
Label: Rabbit Foot Records
Credits: Special thanks to my overblown EGO! |