...Title track from "Reruns".
--------That's a Korg Vocoder btw, replacing the Digitech from the 151 days...and for the most part fRosTy is rather impossible to decipher .....see lyrics by clicking on the song pic....------------- |
CD: Reruns
Label: Cow and Sheep Records, Dartmouth NS.
This is also new from "Spirit Chaser". Note the freaked out ring-modulated patch that pretends to be a guitar. That's a CS-6X. In fact it's all done on hard synths. fRosTy don't use no wimpy soft-synth fruity-loopy poop. And he uses his last midi cord to hold up his drawers... |
CD: Spirit Chaser (unfinished 2002)
Credits: synthetic mescaline |
This is the title track to the 5-song EP from fRosTy's band Yeah Whatever.
Thanks to Stu and Steve at Outback Studios, Vancouver BC for finding this surviving copy in the back of a '79 Pinto...A rare chance for fRosTy fans to hear the band that blew up the PA at the Town Pump.
fRosTy accepts no responsibility for sound men who do not limit/compress signal flow from analogue self-oscillating filters, such as that found on the Sequential Circuits Pro-1.
The TP is now a dance club. Safety in mediocrity.
CD: Deja Vu
Label: NAL Vancouver BC
Credits: Brad "Rusty" Bakewell /John Peer /Mike Worthington |
When I was a kid, I would get off the school bus and go check my rabbit snares. One time, years later, a girl asked me, "How would you like it if a great big rabbit caught YOU in a snare?".
Sad, 'cause she was a real Green piece...
What's that to do with this song? Not much really. |
CD: South of Three Borders 2003
Label: AEC Records
Credits: Recorded Live 2003 |
Another track from fRosTy's now defunct Vancouver groove-core band Yeah Whatever. fRosTy used a draw-bar organ for the intro. (Yes, it is). Why are Yeah Whatever songs here anyway? No reason really. |
CD: Deja Vu
Label: NAL Vancouver BC
Credits: Brad Bakewell/ John Peer/ Mike Worthington |
That's the MS-2000 for the lead synth part.
This is a section of a continous piece from Reruns. |
CD: Reruns
Label: Cow and Sheep Records 2002
This piece can last 20 minutes or more during a live show, ....Fortunately for you,
this live take is under 3 minutes...1 2 3 4 |
CD: Spirit Chaser (Demo version)
I do, kinda....
this rather awful drum sample is the perfect compliment to fuzz piano. I kinda gotta explain here that fRosTy can scare your cat.
Be sure to put fresh litter in his box....
This one will have you thinking your mp3 player is f**ked but that's lo-fi fRosTy-drum. |
CD: Spirit Chaser
Label: Cow and Sheep Records, Dartmouth NS.
This song was written and sung by my good friend from BC....plays in "SoundDawg". I was glad just to play some piano on it! Link to Soundawg on Mp3.com from the link button at the top of the page. |
CD: Live from 151 W 7th Vancouver, 1997
Label: Outback Records
Credits: Written and sung by Jack ( Bub) Gundersen / Cap'n John-piano |
Hmmm. This is an instrumental piece from a few years ago...we used to jam it live at The Palace AD, with guest muscians! (Including Walter the insane electric violinist, and my panther, Mica, on piano) ...
In fact, as time passes, I was going to delete this. But sitting here in the warmth of a Guatemalan sun, remembering that Casey likes it, I've "changed me mind".
Anyway, some Jonas' God lyrics are here. Click on the pic! "Saw Something Strange" True Story. |
CD: Songs Sent Home
Label: Pirate's Island Records
Credits: Recorded live at 151. |
C minor! No samples (naturally) and no computers! Recorded live to DA-88... Thanks to Chopin for the first 3 chords!! |
CD: Songs Sent Home
Label: Pirate's Island Records
Credits: Recorded live at 151 Vancouver BC |
This is a wicked love song by Singer/songwriter Casey Boyce from Kingston Ontario. Originally recorded live at the Grand Theatre, Spencer Evans played the piano and I was lucky to get to lay down some synth!
Check out Casey's site here at mp3.com...link from my site!
No samples used! Drums ONLY sequenced. ...baDmRfRosTy plays LIVE to tape...
ALSO, more fRosTy lyrics here, from "Puerto Vallarta" tape!!!! |
CD: baD sanTa
Label: Pirate's Island Records Halifax/Vancouver
Credits: recorded at 151, Vancouver, Canada |
An old idea from a strange warehouse in Surrey. What a freak show was the summer of '98. I ran for my life in an old car. How about you?
"It seems to me it's in someone else's hands...
not mine."
This live recording shows the cool arpeggiator on the old Roland Jupiter-6. Of course the JP-6 has no after - touch, or even key velocity...So the filter needs to be opened by hand, difficult while triggering the vocoder, and playing the arpeggiator pattern live. I might need to build a Mechano robot... No Fruity Loops here, kids... A trained monkey would work too. In fact, with two monkeys I could stay home! |
CD: Jonas' God (live)
Label: Cow and Sheep Records, Dartmouth NS. 2002