A melancholy song about the confusion a man feels after his heart is shattered.... |
MP3.com CD: Standing in the Yellow - buy it!
CD: Standing in the Yellow
Credits: Dave Kresl for Engineering and lead guitar |
Main Entry: [1]cock
Pronunciation: 'käk
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English cok, from Old English cocc, of imitative origin
Date: before 12th century
1 a : the adult male of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus) b : the male of birds other than the domestic fowl c : WOODCOCK d : archaic : the crowing of a cock; also : COCKCROW e : WEATHERCOCK
2 : a device (as a faucet or valve) for regulating the flow of a liquid
3 a : a chief person : LEADER b : a person of spirit and often of a certain swagger or arrogance
4 a : the hammer in the lock of a firearm b : the cocked position of the hammer
- cock of the walk : one that dominates a group or situation especially overbearingly
CD: Balls
Credits: The Xy chromosome and Dave Kresl |
A moody ride through a rainy day with mixed emotions |
MP3.com CD: Balls - buy it!
CD: Balls
Credits: Jesus, Wood Stain and Dave Kresl |