NEW SONG! This Up-beat rock anthem is sure to get you excited about the weekend. This song is unreleased and this is the only place you can hear it right now, AND IT'S FREE! |
CD: Previously Unreleased
Label: Previously Unreleased
Credits: Fireball Sound Studio |
NEW SONG! Wouldn't it be nice to throw it all away? How often do you get to quit your job to pursue your real dreams? TreePhort did; and now we sing "Wooly Booly" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart" like we were meant to. |
CD: Previously Unreleased
Label: Previously Unreleased
Credits: Fireball Sound Studio |
NEW SONG! This short, catchy punk song explores that which is above and beyond. Sure, you could sit and stare at your life in terms of money and credit, but you'd be missing out on the boating activities available. |
CD: Previously Unreleased
Label: Previously Unreleased
Credits: Fireball Sound Studio |
NEW SONG! Metal Sign. Devil Sign. I don't know what to call it. |
CD: Previously Unreleased
Label: Previously Unreleased
Credits: Fireball Sound Studio |
NEW SONG! Why isn't 'Laser Rock' a genre on Mp3.com? This is probably the best type of music you've ever heard, and this is your chance to hear it before anyone else. Prepare to be astonished. |
CD: Previously Unreleased
Label: Previously Unreleased
Credits: Fireball Sound Studio |
NEW SONG! 'The Unprofessional' was written by a band from Alabama called The Nowhere Squares. In this recording, TreePhort is paying tribute to our friends in our neighboring state. |
CD: Previously Unreleased
Label: Previously Unreleased
Credits: Fireball Sound Studio |
Looking for a rockin' new party song? Here it is. Parties sure are fun to attend, but no one likes a party with a bad guy to girl ratio. When there are 33 guys at a party and they're all trying to hit on the same 3 girls, the guys have a bad chance to get a date. TreePhort supports the notion that instead of cock-blocking your friends, you guys should work together and find love. This song was inspired by Saves the Day. |
CD: Buy this CD or the terrorists win
Label: Brand Name Records
Credits: Ledbelly Sound Studio |
A powerful guitar riff drives you through TreePhort's controversial hit, Scene Card - a song about how boring and pretentious people are at shows now. Sometimes kids will go just to look cool instead of actually listening to the music. The notion of an actual card for scene identification best exemplifies the fact that some kids attend shows like clocking in to work, instead of just having fun. |
CD: Buy this CD or the terrorists win
Label: Brand Name Records
Credits: Ledbelly Sound |
This song describes the period in a boy's life when he must become a man. In customs around the world, the introduction to manhood must be conducted by the father. The daughter need not know when to become a woman, because mother nature tells her through the menstrual cycle, but a boy must be taught. This orchestral piece presents TreePhort's audience with the notion that your journey is not being taken alone. We are with you. |
CD: Buy this CD or the terrorists win
Label: Brand Name Records
Credits: Ledbelly Sound Studio |
Coming soon to a department store near you: the Emo department! All the things you need to be truly emo are now conveniently located together in a store for you to, you know, walk around and buy them. Stop by today. Live journals are 25% off. You'll find them tucked away between the really small, thrift store t-shirts and sketch pads. Remember, Treephort hates you.
CD: Kill 'Em All
Label: Asbestos/Orange Peel Records
Credits: Fireball Sound |
This is a newly recorded version of the song "I'd rather be gay than go out with you" that came from the album "Carpel Tunnel Syndrome". The title of this song is very self explanatory. It deals with a relationship between a certain guy and girl. The relationship soon turns bad due to the fact the girl begins to play with the guys mind. The girl goes from one extreme to another in the relationship by changing her mind constantly. Therefore, the guy deems that he would much rather be gay than go out with her again. The song is one of the more faster TreePhort songs and begins with a powerful hornline backed by a strong guitar sound. |
CD: and the streets will run red with the blood of the nonbelievers
Label: Asbestos Records
Credits: Ledbelly Sound Studio |
Considered a Treephort classic, "Why Do Fat Kids Like Metallica" examines the complex relationship between overweight teens and the band they enjoy listening to. Metallica is very sad because no one will buy the band's small-sized t-shirts. Treephort suggests that overweight kids exercise and eat fruit instead of pizza. Ironically enough, whenever this song is requested at shows, it is usually by a rather heavyset individual. The real question must now be asked. Why do fat kids like "Why Do Fat Kids Like Metallica?"
CD: and the streets will run red with the blood of the nonbelievers
Label: Asbestos/Orange Peel Records
Credits: Ledbelly Sound Studio |
It's the year 1995 and you are listening to the rock band, Bush. Gavin Rossdale is so hot. Then you wake up and realize that you're 27 and still living with your parents, but it's time to party! This song was written to remind us about how much fun it was back in '95, but if you're still living like it's 1995, then you're still having a lot of fun--you're just losing your hair now. |
CD: Buy this CD or the terrorists win
Label: Brand Name Records
Credits: Ledbelly Sound Studios recording |
Do you know that girl? You know, THAT girl? The one who says that you're the one who's boring. Well, TreePhort doesn't like her anymore. We threw away her phone number and cut her face out of all our pictures. Man, she sucked. |
CD: Buy this CD or the terrorists win
Label: Brandnamerecords
Credits: Live Journal |
Sometimes, bad things happen to good people. Christopher Reeve entertained millions of people around the world with his portrayal of Superman only to fall off a horse and lose his ability to walk. You see, Christopher Reeve is a really nice guy that didn't deserve to fall off a horse, but it happened anyway. Something bad like this could happen to you, too. To lower the chances of something awful happening to you, Treephort suggests that you sleep with lead singer and all around great guy, Lee Satterfield. Good things come to those who sleep with him.
CD: Kill 'Em All
Label: Asbestos/Orange Peel Records
Credits: Fireball Sound |
Do you ever get that feeling that you've wasted your life and you're not sure what you should do to get back on track? Oftentimes, people in their mid-thirties will ponder these very things and kind of flip out. It typically results in divorce, overeating, and the purchasing of a motorcycle. Sometimes, however, similar thoughts and emotions find their way into the brains of people much younger-say, oh I don't know, 21. Treephort enjoys riding its new motorcycle.
CD: Kill 'Em All
Label: Asbestos/Orange Peel Records
Credits: Fireball Sound |
Treephort appreciates math and all the benefits that come along in life by being good at math. It is recommended to all fans of Treephort that they get really good at math. Study hard. Impress your parents and friends with a seemingly infinite knowledge of logarithms and quadratics. Honestly, this song is about a lot more than math. Furthermore, it's probably one of Treephort's best songs. If you don't like this one, you're in the wrong place, buddy. You obviously don't like to rock!
CD: and the streets will run red with the blood of the non-believers
Label: Asbestos/Orange Peal Records
Let's face it, guys. Sometimes, when primal nature beckons you to give pleasure to yourself, there's not much around that will suffice as a stimulation aide. You don't get the naughty cable channels, your mom found that magazine when she changed your sheets, and the Internet's been getting all high and mighty with its ludicrous demands for credit card numbers. Luckily, your high school yearbook is full of pretty girls-girls that you actually know! Just hope your brother doesn't walk in on you. He might write a song about the whole thing. That'd be embarrassing.
CD: and the streets will run red with the blood of the nonbelievers
Label: Asbestos/Orange Peel Records
Credits: Ledbelly Sound Studio |
Soccer Mom is a daring song that dives into the realm of mid age women and their beauty. Everyone has seen them before in their mini-vans going to grocery stores and picking up their kids from soccer practice. The sheer sweat that goes into all the hard work they do makes them that much more attractive. TreePhort plays soccer mom because one of them secretly has a crush on a soccer mom. The song begins with lyrical beauty and ends with the horn dogs presenting a catchy horn line. Soccer Mom is a favorite every TreePhort fan should treasure and keep on their computer forever. |
CD: and the streets will run red with the blood of the nonbelievers
Label: Asbestos Records
Credits: Ledbelly Sound Studio |