An upbeat little number with a nice groove, funky beats and instruments, and pleasing melody. |
A progressive electronic adventure in real world environmental sounds with an ever changing electronic melody. Headphones recommended! |
Crack-open a coconut, stretch out in a hammock between two palm trees overlooking a mellow electronic ocean, and space out.
Smooth and dreamy. Don't get too comfy though - the pace picks up on the next track. Note: On this album, one song fades into the next, hence the abrupt stop and start of some tracks when played individually. :) |
Very nice mellow tune with an upbeat percussion track, synth melody and warm backing orchestrations. |
MP3.com CD: Digital Dreaming, Part 1 - buy it!
Credits: (c) 1987, 1992, 1999 JCM Digital Imaging |
Frogs, and night - what a great combo! |
MP3.com CD: Dish - buy it!
Another Bio version - definitely mutated. |
A solid swing rhythm backs a perky melody, accented with a stabby bassline and percussion. |
CD: Random
An upbeat percussion track with a somewhat tribal interlude and lively melody round-out this energetic track. |
Nice electronic groove with an enigma-style beat and melodic bridge. |
CD: Random
Mellow, with an electronic beat. Inspired by Ryuichi Sakamoto's Arrowhead, but doesn't really sound anything like it! |
CD: Silicon Landscape
A lively tune with an active baseline and syth lead. Spiced with a *SLIGHTLY* western flavor! |
MP3.com CD: Digital Dreaming, Part 1 - buy it!
A reprise of Random 02, with more backing instrumentation and a warmer feel. Still has the lively rhythms. |
CD: Random
Slow and a little erie. Some nice digital dulcimer and synth included. |
CD: Random
...just park your Camel by the palm tree and wipe the sand from your feet before entering the tent. :) P.S. Hands off the belly dancers! |
A super mellow version of "Tech-Know". Interesting rhythms and melody. |
Very mellow electronic sounds and melody. |
Relaxing mellow tune with a light shuffle rhythm and warm pads. |
MP3.com CD: Dish - buy it!
Electronic tune with a "dark" tone. Synth string orchestrations back up a unique synth lead and bassline. |
MP3.com CD: Dish - buy it! MP3.com CD: Digital Dreaming, Part 2 - buy it!
Music from the add-on episode JCM2.WAD for DOOM. Rhythmic and erie tune in the classic Technician style. |
MP3.com CD: Dish - buy it! MP3.com CD: Memories: Part 2 - buy it!
CD: Memories
A fast synth tune, with a very lively melody and perky bassline. This one isn't a polka at ALL! |
MP3.com CD: Digital Dreaming, Part 2 - buy it!
Nice relaxing track with a distictly "tropical island" sound. A sweet marimba melody is backed-up by warm pads in the classic Technician style. |
MP3.com CD: Dish - buy it! MP3.com CD: Ruins: Part 2 - buy it!
A mellow but rhythm-oriented tune, augmented with ocean-like sounds. Upbeat and bright. |
MP3.com CD: Digital Dreaming, Part 2 - buy it!
A Real lively tune, equipped with a variety of synth instruments and a beat/theme change part way through. |
MP3.com CD: Memories: Part 2 - buy it!
MP3.com CD: Solo - buy it! MP3.com CD: Dish - buy it!
Tribal percussion and steel drums accent this upbeat tune. |
MP3.com CD: Digital Dreaming, Part 1 - buy it!
A rather mutated version of Carol of the Bells. Detuned and harmonic. |
Earlier version of Midnight with a more mellow percussion track. |
MP3.com CD: Dish - buy it!
Chilling ambient background music. Slow and erie. There's no actual monster sounds - it just feels like there might be some around. |
MP3.com CD: Halloween music 2001 - buy it!
Creepy background music to scare trick or treaters. Complete with heartbeats, breathing, thunder, and an occassional monster snarl. Email this site to a friend! |
MP3.com CD: Halloween Music 2000 - buy it!