Coming Soon!Lost In The Mail Newtronic 002, My first EP on another label.
Featuring MaddTechJazz and 3 other doses of wacked out Tech* style
OUT NOW! bang head Invisible Fish 003, and my first ep on Invisible Fish.
3 tracks of the most uncomprimising hardass distorto I've ever written. Check out "Evul Electro Tongue" favorite of many heads who can take the full on uncut tang beats >>:D Make sure your record shop gets a few, you know deep down you brain needs it this hard!
New Tracks:
More soon, holding back many for new 12"'s
Feedback always appreciated! Enjoy the bangin'
Invisible Fish News!
Metempsychose Live (Peter Tang & Asile Nosrac)
Nov. 21, 2001 - For Undergroud Turf War at Baktun in NYC!
More Info Soon
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If You are a dj or record store and are interested in promo's send me email. We are working to build our
audience and you can help! If we're on your tip don't be afraid to ask.
Check out the new school of tech* groovin...