see: kalimba, mbira, sansa, likembe...
NEW! 9/25/03...CD-r music album now at CD Baby! ...title: Tilting@Windmills...audio clips & info at www.cdbaby.com/rpcollier ...
Thumb piano music for the 21st century. Experimental instruments and unconventional tunings/microtonal. Visit http://trundlebox.iuma.com for more songs.
This track begins with 3 cycles of a gentle loop then turns into an improvisation based on the loop. Music from a 4 inch wide heart-shaped confection can wired with 10 bobby pins. time 2:29 |
Credits: RP Collier |
Experimental thumb piano music. This composition was created using a small metal cigarette case with 9 bobby pins as the keys. time 2:43 |
Experimental thumb piano music. Recording of thumb piano played slowly is split into 2 tracks: a pitch dropped track is merged with a pitch raised track. The original track has been deleted. Atmospheric.
time 3:12 |