We were kings driving Cadillacs, now I ride to work on a bus ... |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
I'm just cruisin' - goin' with the flow, just cruisin' - let the four winds blow ... |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
We've been through so much together, and I'll go through it all forever, as long as I'm with you. |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
I'm wet and wild with you, there ain't no drop in the whole wide world like you. |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
What's done is done and baby where I'm from you can't turn back the hands of time. |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
One without zero is nothing. It is our relationships that bring meaning to our lives. |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz. |
I'm goin' 60 mph and 1000 miles for you ... |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
I'm strollin' like a wave rollin' down the avenue - I'm here - where are you? |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
Life is a busker, full of colour and noise... |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
In my hand I held the last autumn rose ... |
CD: None
Label: None
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
I've spent too many years with noone like you naked in my arms ... |
Label: NA
Credits: Si\ong written by Manfred Rentz |
An angry man meets a shy girl and they end up singin' in the shower! |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
It was the war to end all wars, now haven't we heard that before ... |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
I've come back home to deal with some unfinished business ... |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Song Written by Manfred Rentz |
You're too beautiful for words, so beautiful it hurts. |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
I think, I feel, I love, therefore I am. |
CD: None
Label: None
Credits: Written by Manfred Rentz |
Who is that person behind the mask - it could be you, me or the guy next door. Quite often we don't know ourselves very well, let alone other people. |
Label: NA
Credits: Son written by Manfred Rentz |
This place is gettin' hotter, you can feel it in the air! |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
This guy's tried all sort of things to get his kicks, but nothin' hits the spot like honey what you've got! |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
We've grown so close, I feel your heart in mine. |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
This bloke usually get's it wrong, but when the time comes you can count on him to hit those home runs. |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
Is she back for good this time, or back to just movin' on again? |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Song witten by Manfred Rentz |
We're all just your average person, yet each of us has secrets that make us special. |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
We've come a long way on the road to nowhere ... |
Label: NA
Credits: Song written by Manfred Rentz |
Your mum may pop up at the most inconvenient moments, but she's always there when you need her too! |
CD: Secret Men's Business
Label: MP3.COM
Credits: Written by Manfred Rentz. |