Mp3.com is on a mission to eliminate all "free" artists, as evidenced by their last "newsletter". They are urging everyone to pay the $20.00 a month to become "gold" artists, but as I have already been a subscriber to their paid service and did not see an increase in the quality of their services, such as approval times, support services, approval rates, and handling of rights issues, I will remove my music from mp3.com.
As of January 31, 2003, when mp3.com removes all but three "songs" from my list, I will leave mp3.com alltogether, hopefully, for a site that provides decent service at a fair price. Download the files you want and store them on your hard drive, or email me to obtain high quality 192kbps versions of compositions you like. I will no longer partonize mp3.com.
Well, today is January 29, and I've removed all but three pieces from my page. From now on, to hell with mp3.com.
To hell with their slow approval times. To hell with their stupid "status messages". To hell with their spam and loose "privacy" policy. Mp3.com could not pay me to stay, and that's exactly what they want: they want to get rid of all the musicians who don't have huge ratings or play numbers. MP3.com has never been cool, but now it's even less cool. Goodbye, and I hope you all stay tuned for the links I will display here.
Oh, and if, by chance, an mp3.com staff person is looking at this page, F*CK YOU AND YOUR COMPANY!
just some improvised stuff that I did for a director who rejected it. He wanted a "techno beat", which I refused to put in. The strings are awesome! (this will be my LAST upload EVER on this site) |
Credits: composed, arranged, and orchestrated by Jonathon Vandergriff |
The complete Star Hawk theme. I tried to "reinvent" my writing style when doing this one and I think it worked out well. Listen to this one! |
Credits: Jonathon Vandergriff |
Very simple melody, but great orchestrationb. Mania for 2 violins, viola, harp, cello, piano, and bass. Please listen to this one....you'll love it! |
Credits: Jonathon Vandergriff |
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