NEW!!! JULY 28, 2003. The rest of the band will kill me...so will our engineers/co-producers Brian and Ted for putting up a sneak peek umixed unmastered/rough version of a song from our debut. This was sadly a sketchy version of the last song Freud co-wrote for A#1S, I like it!!! |
CD: That's What Love Songs Still Do (13 More Songs)
Label: To Be Determined
Credits: America's #1 Sweetheart & Senator Freud |
From the loft demo sessions. Complete with out of key out of tune vocals! Needless to say we are re-recording this one. |
CD: Teenage Sex EP
Label: DEMOS
Credits: John & Dan |
This is a OLD A#1S Song around 97' it can be found on a M.O.C. records comp. It's retired and kinda goofy. Guess which parts FagBalls is singing on? |
CD: Blue Diamond Phillips This is Your Life Vol.1 - M.O.C. Records
Label: MOC Records Comp. www.mocrecords.com
Credits: Produced By:Dave Trumfio |