been fun. I joined MP3.com in 1999, back when they were still so grass-roots,
amateur and wannabe-oriented, they provided a Name Generator --
if you lacked the imagination to come up with your own creative band name,
you could click a button, and this little program would whip you up two
seemingly unrelated words, which, run together, could be your band name.
"Audio Ink", for instance, or "Terminal Funk". (Actually,
that one's not bad...)
Not that I ever used the Name Generator myself for anything but amusement.
Lack of creativity has not been my problem... my problem has been lack
of focus. I have this animation
project I'm trying to get done, but I love playing music. MP3.com
provided me with a convenient place to release my music, and sell CDs,
and maybe this situation has kept me playing music when I should have
been animating...I dunno.
I guess they're doing me a favour now. As of December 2003, MP3.com
will no longer be featuring amateur wannabes like me. I am not clear exactly
what they will be featuring. Maybe they'll just disband altogether. But
I, and thousands of amateur hopefuls like me, will no longer have a home
here at MP3.com.
You can track my music progress from now on at my personal site: www.lunaentertainment.com/ogden.
If you have been thinking of buying my album, Dakotah,
you should do it before the site shuts down, as that album will no longer
be available.
Well, that's about it. Take care, drop in for a visit at my site, and
keep in touch. Like I said, it's been fun.