A Dronebender review, courtesy Integrated Arts:
"Very close to two of our favorite composers here in the Land of Phrygia, Eric Skogen, and Glean.
This music is definitive in the genre of experimental beat.
Passing bleeps and blips verb along a smothered filter loop.
Best thing about Dronebender is that they can create a percussion section without percussion.
Only a few artists are capable of the real syncopative mastery needed to make a track bump without
the use of actaul 20Hz-40Hz square waves. As a plug, we are simply thrilled to find Dronebender,
and will definitely not be opposed to honoring Dronebender's efforts by bestowing to them,
yes, you know it, no doubt about it, the Land of Phrygia's "Coolest Shit We Have Seen In A Week" prize.
How they managed to surprise two Stormtroopers in the middle of a whizz is speculation's playground. Very necessary music."