A personal thank you to the Seattle Police Department who got a ration of shit from the idiot public for trying to keep the peace during our illustrious WTO riots. While the WTO sucks like a devil, so does being a cop. You constantly put your life in danger for ungrateful people who can't seem to realize that for risking death on a daily basis you don't get paid half of what you deserve. Yeah, I like cops. Counterintuitive to rock? Maybe, maybe it's just humanity rearing its ugly head... |
CD: "Living Room"
Credits: Nico Jonsson: Lyrics/melody Mike Krouse: Music/guitar parts Jack Frederickson: drums/drum parts Tim "Sunday Mornin'" Romain:bass/bass lines |
A bittersweet anthem about wistfulness, love lost and being wanted in, like, nine states. |
CD: Living Room
Credits: Nico Jonsson: vocals/lyrics Mike Krouse: guitar/music Jack Frederickson: drums/drum parts Tim Romain: bass/bass lines |
As pop as we ever get, with spring-loaded riffs and sunshine-filled distortion. But make no mistake, this is rock, and this song is not about love or produce; it's about someone who wanted it real bad and couldn't handle it when they got it. Hypothetically. |
CD: Living Room
Credits: Nico Jonsson: vocals/lyrics Mike Krouse: guitar/music Jack Frederickson: drums/drum parts Tim Romain: bass/ bass lines |