The days when were were young and ruled the world--or at least felt that we ruled the world. Great summer days, awesome nights and yes....the ubiquitous wine bottle that always seemed to be floating around somewhere in the back ground--GoodTimes with Wine captures the essence of youth. |
CD: GoodTimes With Wine
Label: N/A
Credits: PillaBass:Instruments and backing vocals by theRiver Bend Band. Lyrics Jamie Pill, Janine Bassa and K.k. Ba |
Your life seems to have a mind of its own Spiralling outta control--Have you ever felt that your life has taken on its own existence--you seem to be heading down a crazy path of spiralling uncontrol? You can't seem to stop it and one by one your friends seem to disappear or pretend to be too busy all the time. This song is about that experience; the good thing is if you've ever felt or experienced that and somehow survived, some good can come outta it: you've got great writing material and a wealth of wisdom on self-destruction! |
CD: GoodTimes with Wine
Label: N/A
Credits: Written by: Jamie Pill, Janine Bassa and K.k. Ba: Performed by Janine Bassa and Jamie Pill with RiverBend Band backing vocals and on instruments. |
The interesting marriage between drugs and reality.It boils down to that one perspective: Yours and theirs! |
CD: GoodTimes With Wine
Label: N/A
Credits: PillaBass:RiverBend Band on instruments and backing vocals. Written by K.k Ba, Janine Bassa and Jamie Pill |