If you are going to try and be like Screeching Weasel... here's how! |
CD: Songs We Wrote
Label: N/A
This song was written for all those kids who get the funny looks from everyone for looking different. This song deals with that whole, "Don't judge a book by it's cover," thing. So all you weird looking kids, keep rocking! It's a catchy tune that has grown to be our favorite song to date. |
CD: Insulting Your Intelligence
Label: N/A
Credits: Written by Minimal Effort, recorded and produce by Ben of Sound Under Studio's in Upper Darby, PA. |
This song is about being yourself, the words make no sense but we like it. PLEASE TRY TO STAY WITH US ON THIS ONE! |
CD: Insulting Your Inteligence
Label: The trunk of my car, quite literally.
Credits: Minimal Effort wrote the music to this one, this craptacular song is a combined effort. Oh yeah it was recorded and produced at Sound Under Studio's in Upper Darby, PA by a guy named Ben, he made me laugh. |