they got us all by the balls n ovaries...sqeezing the ignorant binary confessions from our loins only to toil and toll for naught! slaves ALL! in the mines of the capitalist-commie Dick-tator elitist wet dreams...their Matrix-like somma-induced labatomies will blow-up in all our faces presently! du u see? du u see!?! |
MP3.com CD: aL sAcK- the mp3 sessions- - buy it!
CD: Mass Control
Label: pisser's music
Credits: the fed...and beyond |
have u ever had a roomate whose pimp mother visited u bringing a flea ridden kitten from a gas station on the way(from vegas), his brother from jail, and his prostitute sister who used to be his brother? Did his army seargent rape him or was it consentual? Will he really get into the police force for the purpose of evicting me? die!!! |
MP3.com CD: aL sAcK- the mp3 sessions- - buy it!
CD: bag of tricks
Label: pisser's music
Credits: me..god damn it! |
ode to my cat...spawn of Satan. |
MP3.com CD: aL sAcK- the mp3 sessions- - buy it!
CD: sack
Label: pisser's music
Credits: me |