I started drinking coffee during a particularly cold winter and I'm still drinking it. Even right now, as you're reading this, chances are I'm drinking coffee. Now, to me, coffee is one of those weird foods that you step back and go, "just who the hell was it that decided this would be a good food?"
Who would think to pull these beans off a plant, roast them, grind them up, pour hot water over them and drink the resulting brown concoction? Would you think if you stuck a raw coffee bean (not the roasted ones, just right off the plant) in your mouth that the perfect method of making it something to ingest would be to go to all that trouble?
Following the same logic, I'm unsure who it was threw the skin of a pig in a vat of bubbling oil to produce Pork Rinds. But I think mankind will stick nearly anything into its collective mouth at some time or another. I mean, Shrimp in Lobster Sauce? Sure it tastes good, but it looks like somebody's huge nasal discharge, all wet and runny with little chunky bits in there.
love, keith [93=93, 93/93. 51. 8]