This is a very minimal track I wrote back in 1997. Imagine looking up into the night sky, and seeing all that unfolds. A great quiet resonating beat and arpeggio just about make this track. It's actually going into the works of being a trance track redone today by myself under my title DJ H. Geek, so keep your eyes peeled. :) |
This was a track that I'd written in 1996, then decided to rewrite in 1997... and went on a whole different path. Kindof fun to listen to... with a bit of that 'dance piano'... :) It has pretty good construction... Give it a listen! |
This was an old tribute I made to Hot Buttered's track Popcorn. I spiced it up a bit (or the best I could do it back then) and made a fun, single keyboard recording of this song. It ended up being one of my most popular tracks on the 22 tapes I sold... :) had a lot of fun writing it back then... :) |
Credits: Hot Buttered / Herkemer Geek |