Every musician faces a "writer's block" every now and then. Well, I do have 'em, to be frank. Thought I started of so well, but suddenly have not got the slightest idea of how to continue. Moreover, every addition or change results in complete f*** up! And that's exactly where you (YOUyesYESyesYOU!), hopefully, will fit in and help me.
Below you'll find some of these stuck fermentations; raw diamonds that need a little polishing, e.g. by you. I think they sound good in a way, promising, but still miss something. Could be your touch!
Right on!, Unfinished business. I am inviting you to join me in this experiment. Download (one of) the pieces listed below, and add/change/mix/finish them. It is, IMHO, very interesting to hear how a particular piece is finished by different artists. Please let me know where I can find the songs you have revived. I can either upload them for you on this page, or put a link on the ACCOMPANYING STATION. We shall share, OF COURSE!, all the credits.
Enjoy, good luck, and thanks!
Bluesy song. I would love to hear a dark brown voice in this piece, screaming! Who dares? |
Very moody, thrilling tune. Thunders smashing from left to right, munks chanting clerical songs, a gothic concerto for a rainy day with screaming guitars. (Sorry Japs, you have had your chance!) |
The human genome was recently claimed to be sequenced almost entirely. Will you help me finishing my sequencing project? |