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    Untitled Document


    MANTRA SUNRISE...REVIEWS***Now Posted***

    "The 20 minute Land of Sprinagar is an utterly amazing piece of music...Mantra Sunrise is A MAJOR ALBUM OF 2000!"....European Progressive Rock ReviewsDetailed Review

    "It is obvious these guys go their own quite original way of composing...well performed electric and acoustic guitar passages, original bass lines and a strongly constructed rhythm section on the whole...all the band members play there roles excellent according to the Spirit of the Time."....Vitaly Menshikov/Progressor...RussiaDetailed Review

    "John has created an album of dark, moody music, almost gothic in nature..." ....Fred Trafton/ Gibraltar Encyclopedia of Progressive RockDetailed Review

    "A progressive rock album for fans of Marillion (Hogarth era), Pink Floyd, and maybe Yes."....More Than Music/Swedish Rock Reviews

    "I now know the reincarnation of early progressive rock has taken place!" "....Progressor/RussiaDetailed Review



    These are high quality mp3 files for your
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    ..until then.. be patient...You can go
    to the "In The Studio Page" and read
    about the track while you're
    downloading, or have a look at the
    lyrics. Enjoy!

    Cheerful Acoustic Guitar Solo Piece
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(997k)

    Mysterious Acoustic Guitar solo
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(952k)
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(1135k)

    Psychedelic Rock
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(1744k)
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(1176k)

    New Age Rock
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(1477k)

    Art Pop
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(1117k)
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(1499k)

    Ethereal Power Rock
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(1394k)

    Progressive Rock Epic Concept Work
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(3229k)

    Soothing Thoughtful Mood Number
    From the Album "MANTRA SUNRISE"(1046k)




    Wayne and I had been in various bands over the years....nothing
    too exciting Just various jam bands ect...I had taken off for several
    years and done quite a bit of traveling mostly Canada and Australia.
    I was writing mountains of material, poetry, various riffs and short well as a daily journal. Upon returning home Wayne
    and I played together and we tried out some of the music, just guitar
    and drums and occasionally a bass riff. I think Wayne was
    excited and could feel something happening..things were fresh
    and felt genuinely inspired...not just ...ok lets do this heavy riff thing
    or something...but there was a certain electricity happening.
    After a short time we both knew that a band would be the next step
    and we both agreed to the idea of a power trio..
    My guitar style was finally taking shape after years of searching
    for a definitive approach based mostly on various unorthodox tunings
    and such...I felt I would be able to hold the music together without a rhythm
    Guitarist or keyboardist when I stumbled across an old analog tape delay
    unit (Roland Space Echo)...The Roland gave such a rich tone even
    without using delays that it really just started to take over and find
    it's own life...I still use it to this day and prefer it over the colder,
    and to me, more lifeless digital effects that so many guitarist use today..

    Wayne found Joel at the Java Cafe' in Fresno California about six
    months later where Joel had been working. He had recently been
    transplanted from San Antonio Texas and Wayne played him some
    rough boom box recordings of what we had been working on. Joel,
    we found out, had been writing in quite a different style and had material
    that was much more polished and defined than what we had...I felt
    Joel was maybe more of a studio creature and I'm not sure
    what he thought of us.

    Anyway...we got together and jammed and it was just magical
    ...I don't really know how to describe it...I mean you hear that all
    the time but I really think this was something very special...You can
    feel it on the record. Again Wayne came through for us and found
    us a rehearsal space in the back of a farm Beverly's...
    Beverly Robertson that would be...It was a small one room
    guest house in need of much repair where goats used to live...
    ..In fact as we would head down the dirt road to the space,
    Beverly's goat... "Homer" would often block the road and we would
    have to slowly nudge him out of the way with the bumper of
    the car to get him to move...we called him "Homer the Gate Keeper".
    So we would just be down there all the time nearly every day...recording,
    playing, sitting on the roof writing and trying to make this
    record...I don't think we really knew what it was going to sound
    like when it was done but we were all very excited and just kept
    on it with a tremendous amount of motivation. That's really how it
    got started.


    "Why" was Joel's song, lyrics and music, and I'll get him here to talk
    about it when I can... As far as the recording goes...after I read the
    lyrics, I felt the guitar needed some extra body and I was really
    shooting for a big reverberated open sound to go with the slow
    building epic feel. It was one of the last songs we did which was
    obviously in contrast to it being the first song on the album!
    The first takes I recorded off a scratch track in a friends metal
    trailer out in the country...I used a Marshall half stack, very old
    vintage 60's and just blasted it with my electric 12 string on the
    top of my white double neck Ibanez.
    Once I had a stereo take I then played it back through
    speakers inside a racquetball court and then re-miked it
    again...I took the four tracks...blended them all together into a
    stereo mix worked well...I used this technique quite a lot
    on the album..not this exact approach but similar.. I really wanted
    every song to have a unique guitar sound and be recorded in it's
    own unique way...and I believe to this day it makes a real difference.


    TIME OF YEAR centered around a poem I had written and without
    getting too detailed about the lyrics it basically represented the
    searching and struggle to find truth in the context of our ever
    changing world and it's seemingly endless frustrations and dilemmas.
    I think most of it was written while sitting bored to death in some
    awful political science class at the university I attended. Musically
    I had the idea to put the guitar slightly out of tune in the very beginning
    to represent the sort of "out of tuneness" we all often feel at various
    times in our lives. Things then sharpen up as we descend into
    life.... build into a frenzy and often leave us just where we
    started...wondering and questioning...
    Joel had a particularly difficult time with the vocals until he
    went to the mountains...recorder in hand, and had a talk with
    the sunshine. After he returned you get to hear what happened
    and if your like me....I think its quite interesting.


    Brudenell is named after the place it was written at...a small area
    on the island of Prince Edward or as most would call it PEI. A very
    light and happy tune played in an open tuning. It's always one of
    my favorites any time I'm doing a solo gig or just playing around a
    campfire with friends. I think it fits nicely on the album like a quick
    breath of fresh air between Time of Year and Dying Day.


    This piece was really a blending of a poem and a musical line
    I'd been working on for some time. I know it's Joel's favorite on the
    record. the lyric is pretty self explanatory for sure. We really tried
    to capture a specific feeling with the music. We were probably half
    way into the album and Wayne was going through a difficult time and
    I think he felt a lot of pressure and anxiety about how the album was
    being recorded. Joel and I were very excited and motivated and
    Wayne just took a break for awhile and we brought in our friend
    Gary Newmark to help us along...This was the 1rst song we did
    with him...the others "Why" and the huge "Land of Sprinagar". We
    decided to go for a big ethereal sound to enhance the lyric and
    Gary was instrumental in giving it a more interesting rhythmic
    backbone than what Joel and I had intended. Rather than put in
    some big predictable guitar solo we brought in Ann Jorgenson
    from the local symphony to further the development with her flute
    and that really gave the piece a kind of mystical aura... that I'm
    not sure I would have been able to capture with just the guitar.
    I used a stereo guitar track panned dead open in the mix and Joel
    spent quite a while playing with his bass tone getting a smooth yet
    crunchy sound to me felt like walking on jagged rocks when your
    at the ocean...calming yet still careful.


    My great friend and traveling partner Vic, were high in the Canadian
    Rockies, not far from Radium and you could see the glaciers melting
    into the streams and I just felt this feeling of unbelievable perfection
    and beauty.. the streams turn into bigger ones...eventually
    rivers....across great vast plains then finally to the ocean giving
    life to all the seas wonders. Yet with the ever encroaching danger
    of modern life we must protect such pristine elements and be careful
    with what we have recently created in the industrial age..Musically
    very simple... just simple A and C cords gently swaying back and
    forth through the Space Echo... and rather than giving
    acknowledgment to any negativity lyrically...I just played a few
    dark cords in the middle of the song to represent that musically...Joel's
    peaceful and soothing voice bring the lyric to life and I think one
    of the simplest yet most impressionable songs I've ever done to this day.


    We arrived into Southern Alberta Canada and on the first day
    Vic and I met a young girl from New Zealand who was also just
    traveling around with a backpack and living that gypsy bohemian
    life. We spent a day in Glacier National Park which is shared
    by the U.S. and Canada. In this true story they fell in love, ended
    up married and this song really came out of that experience....On the
    long drives in the weeks ahead, we worked out the lyrics and
    music to what would later become this song. It's really about that
    new and fresh feeling of being in love and the feeling of what to
    do when they live on the other side of the planet! When I put the
    song on the table for Mantra Sunrise to record... it became a difficult
    task for us to produce...Wayne spent weeks working on a drum
    sound that would compliment the light and airy acoustic guitar
    sound I was aiming at. I think Joel did a wonderful job with the
    bass, accenting Wayne's kick drum in the right pocket... It was
    certainly the most challenging song for Joel vocally on the
    record. We probably did more takes at it than the whole record
    combined! I think the end result worked nicely but not without struggle.
    I think the song called for a tight clean sound and we just had to work
    on it a lot to get it there. The end of the song is really just row, row,
    row, your boat gently down the stream....happily, happily, life
    is but a dream!


    This little guitar piece is just the next song played acoustically
    in a finger picking style...same chords and arrangement..yet so
    completely different. I thought it would be nice to also have it presented
    in this way. I used a similar recording style as Mantra Sunset...a few
    less mics. I think I recorded about 5 versions and just took the best
    one...this being it!


    In complete contrast to Northern Light Joel's one take vocal run
    was all it took here...Your Heart is just not the kind of song you
    can over think...We later messed around with different approaches
    but nothing came out with as much emotion as the first time.
    This painful song is surely not about being too perfect! Wayne
    actually gave birth to this tune with some drum tracks he handed
    me. I had fiddled around with this somewhat bizarre 18 chord
    progression in a strange tuning over the top of his drums...very
    haphazardly and without much thought or design...I wrote lyrics
    to match the dark tone of the song based upon a recent experience
    of mine and it just started from there. Joel then twisted the vocal
    melody from there and it just really got out there...A real group
    effort! The guitar was recorded at the Goat House and I really
    wanted to max things out sonically so I ran a chord outside
    and played in the sun while the Marshall amp I had shook the
    structure inside...we used tons of mics and had another amp
    I think an old Sunn stuffed in a closet upside down. It was a
    very fun song to record and really went down pretty easy. I'd
    call this the most experimental piece on the album short of
    Sprinagar. Live we would often extend the intro for several
    minutes while I was changing or retuning guitars....I remember
    one night losing all sound from my guitar and Joel and Wayne
    just played the whole thing without me...I don't think anyone noticed!


    I'll get him here to talk about this one (Joel)...he wrote and played
    it himself other than a bit of backup vocal..Very visual song and
    I think the most sensual piece on the record.


    I had been wanting to do a large scale piece for quite some time
    and the aspiration for that came on the ferry ride from Vancouver
    to Victoria, I love that place! I had been reading Paramahansa
    Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi and oddly enough I was
    sitting next to an East Indian man on the ride over. He didn't speak
    English very well and seemed to say Sprinagar...with a very
    pronounced "P" in it...I thought that a bit unusual so when it
    came time to name the mammoth piece it only seemed appropriate!
    Upon arriving I meditated for an hour or so and then picked up
    my guitar and wrote the whole rough draft for the song in about 3
    hours! I wish that would happen more often! I was so excited
    and inspired I could hardly sleep for days. The song was recorded
    in five sections and literally took six months to record... It nearly
    broke the band up and Wayne actually quit half way through it.
    Both Wayne and Gary's playing is on the song. I spent a week
    writing the two guitar solos and a month figuring out and recording
    the ethereal key thing in the middle. The song was just a monster
    to mix and left me totally drained emotionally when it was done.
    You have to love this have no choice!
    The song is about the passing of wisdom from generation to
    generation...and the constant seeking of truth in the three
    worlds...the physical represented in the drum solo. The intellectual,
    guitar solo. The Spiritual, keys. This song was a real labor of love...


    Ending the album with Sprinagar seemed a bit too obvious so
    I thought it would be nice to wind things down a bit and put this
    little solo acoustic piece on the end. I wrote it in Sedona Arizona
    during my travels and it really came quite quickly. I had hiked
    up top of House Rock bluff with my guitar over my shoulder
    and just played up there till the sun went down...... later finding
    a few passing chords and the piece was done. Recording it
    I used a Yamaha acoustic electric and using several mics and
    one direct line..another bussed through a tape delay unit and it's
    got a soothing warm tone. It was actually Joel's idea to name
    the band Mantra Sunrise after this we changed it from
    sunset to sunrise!

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    "Northern Light"genre: Rock
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    Don't chase your dreams into your dreams!
    CD: MantraSunrise   Label: Tributary Music
    Credits: Miner/Wilk/Bissing
    "Why"genre: Brit Pop
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    deep and haunting melodic ballad
    CD: Mantra Sunrise   Label: Tributary Music
    Credits: Bissing/Miner
    "Sleeping Whales"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Our ever encompassing quest for presevationand ecology...
    CD: Mantra Sunrise   Label: Tributary Music
    Credits: Miner/Bissing/Wilk
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