Description: A statement song, this one ripping into those who try to pass slavery off as something less than what it was. Everyone who perpetuates that particular nightmare and continues to try to hold down the children of those in bondage are in the sights of scrutiny and can all expect to be exposed and dealt with.... |
CD: Debuty
Label: Trial By Fire Records
Credits: Executed by King D |
Description: A lovely song incorporating catchphrases of the video arcade game classics of my youth, Punch-Out, in particular on this one. Spy Hunter also makes an appearance later on in the album. Fierce and fast, a hard hitter that is one of my favorites on the album. |
CD: Debuty
Label: Trial By Fire Records
Description: Ever wonder what a Mack Bolan novel would sound like set to music...here is your answer. I could not be content with that, however, and had to throw in some villainous mannerisms to boot. |
CD: Debuty
Label: Trial By Fire Records