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    HEADSHOP and SofaChrome@the HighPointe Lounge/NOV.8 and again @the HardRock Cafe Nov.28 in St.Louis,MO!Hear the rest of-BURN& for all of your support!
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    "GODSEND-end seq4ZION_autoRUN 2NIL8122112"genre: Rock
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    Science Fiction?-Pulp Religion?-Mayan Visions?-Weapons of Mass Destruction?-Or Hyped Fanatic Television?I don't have the Cliff Notes on Revelations but its awfully interesting as all these different events unfold,all stem from different belief systems be it ancient or western religion.Even scientists are expecting an epic catastrophy,end of the world scenario. HEADSHOP is sharing our thoughts and ideas to the masses and will spread the theories of many as well as our own,to celebate life as we know it,and have a good time while we are still here.This will continue until the solstice of Dec.21,2012-and on this very date HEADSHOP will end its career when the world ends.If for some reason the sun comes up on Dec 22,well,HEADSHOP will make an annual party out of it and laugh and wonder why it didn't happen.Then everyone can go on with their lives and ponder why all religions and scientists looked to this particular date for a doomsday end date for Earth! "DOOMSDAY FOR DUMMIES TOUR"(extended) HEADSHOP will start their tour out very modestly in 12/21/03 and will eventually take 9 years to complete.And ending 12/21/12 and they will broadcast the live event to 35 countries.Then re-broadcasted to 50 more. Join HEADSHOP in this celebration of the coming of the "Age of Transformation"(mayan) Introducing- "UNIVERSAL SCRIPTURES" in association with "TYME/WARNING ENTERAINMENT" presents-THE END OF THE WORLD...LIVE in CONCERT! Featuring HEADSHOP-[UltraRock]The live music soundtrack for the end of the world! HEADSHOP Live in Concert December 21/2012 Check back for yearly/monthly tour dates. We are officially starting the count down. Advance tickets $150.00-$250.00 Get them faster@TicketMaster
    CD: BURN AND CRASH HEADSHOP[2003}   Label: ?$!
    Credits: words by HEAD music by SHOP [HEADSHOP 2003]
    "Recieving the Gift of Guilt"genre: Rock
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    Recognition and acceptance of mistakes that were made that can't ever be changed.This song is especially for you.This song is an expressive collection,and unintentionally a conceptual rediscovery of conventional deception and perpetual recovery.The dirt just covers you,and the guilt must smother you.If your mission was my conviction it was a fictional goal.You abandoned me,and your hand indeed,and a part of me you'd had never seen before.I acknowledge your existance.But it bothers me that words can start a war.So remember me as what you want to see.Remember blinded eyes can only stare so far.
    CD: BURN_and_CRASH   Label: We are currently recieving offers.Make your bid today!
    Credits: words by HEAD music by SHOPHEADSHOP-Burn_and_Crash2003
    "PROZAC RODEO (Rx Remix)"genre: Rock
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    Diagnosis-......brain/ear burn-acute boredom due to over-exposure of bad music.Rx-...listen to the ultrarock music of HEADSHOP up to two times a day or more as needed for the promotion of aural pleasure.Please DO exceed the recommended dosage as it may become habit forming.LEGALITIES:...The music product of HEADSHOP is a registered Class-mpIII(3) Controlled Substance that is not regulated by the FDA or by Federal/State law. Side effects may/will occur including narcotic episodes,an overall sense of well being,stimulation of intellect, and in rare cases, dizziness(placebo patients).Ask your doctor if HEADSHOP is right for you in case of a serious pre-existing condition.HEADSHOP and won't accept any responsability for listeners who become injured in any way. Recent research studies have shown that repeated usage of HEADSHOP over extended periods of time can cause permanent stimulation in most people who listen to music more than 3 times a day.If you consume more than 3 alchohol beverages a day,and have become depressed,chances are that you've got major problems. As with other prescription drugs,Ultrarock music is prescribed for patients with low/zero tolerence to mainstream music. HEADSHOP music is alchohol-free,contains no narcotics and is safe for consumption by children and adults where no cases of metal illness have occured.HEADSHOP has not yet been evaluated by the F.D.A.and makes no claims or promise to the treatment or cure of disease.HEADSHOP is sold as a suppliment essential for a complete balance.HEADSHOP may become soulable in ethenal-alchohol and is quickly absorbed when taken aurally. (rare active ingredient; t a l a n t HCL) (reactive ingred-expression[sulf.100mg]) Mixed styles of a Single-Entity Ultrarock/HEADSHOP Product Patent#12341234
    CD: BURN & CRASH HEADSHOP[2003]   Label: ?$! %?
    Credits: words by HEAD music by SHOP- HEADSHOP[2003]
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