New anthem for the Cleveland Browns. This original, high-energy rock song talks about beating down the Pittsburgh Steelers and Baltimore Ravens. |
MP3.com CD: Brad Moyers - "I am Beta." - buy it!
CD: Anderson Council -
Label: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00000JPLN/qid=1058109014/sr=8-5/ref=sr_8_5/002-4607164-7181605?v=glance&s=music&n=507846
Credits: B. Moyers, J. Anderson |
Slow ballad with extraordinary melody and musical flow. This song is the personal favorite of both writers. Along with "You and I," it is most people's favorite song on this CD. |
MP3.com CD: Brad Moyers - Sunshine Special - buy it! MP3.com CD: Brad Moyers - "I am Beta." - buy it!
CD: Anderson Council -
Label: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00000JPLN/qid=1058109014/sr=8-5/ref=sr_8_5/002-4607164-7181605?v=glance&s=music&n=507846
Credits: B. Moyers, J. Anderson |
Dark song highlighting ethereal guitar leads and vocals reminiscent of Alice in Chains. This is the last song on the CD, because it is so different that it just did not seem to fit in with the rest of the songs; however, it is some people's favorite song. |
MP3.com CD: Brad Moyers - Sunshine Special - buy it! MP3.com CD: Brad Moyers - "I am Beta." - buy it!
CD: Anderson Council -
Label: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00000JPLN/qid=1058109014/sr=8-5/ref=sr_8_5/002-4607164-7181605?v=glance&s=music&n=507846
Credits: B. Moyers, J. Anderson |