A stream of consciousness satire in the amphetamine-rush tradition of Bob Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues" and REM's "It's The End Of The World As We Know It." Independent Music Award finalist for Best Rock Album of the Year. Voted Top Ten Album of the Year in Billboard Magazine. "...a Classic"...BONO. "A Great Album!"...Lou Reed |
MP3.com CD: Willie Nile Volume 1 MP3.com - buy it!
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile and Marc Blatte |
Title track of new CD. "Cut from the same cloth as Bob Dylan and Lou Reed"...Stereo Review. "The Pogues on acid"...Les Izmore. "4 Stars! Go Buy!"... Q Magazine. "Willie's so good I can't believe he's not from New Jersey"...Little Steven. To buy complete CD click on "More CD's." |
MP3.com CD: Willie Nile Volume 1 MP3.com - buy it!
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile and Frankie Lee |
AC/DC meets Boxcar Willie in a train station at high noon |
MP3.com CD: Willie Nile Volume 1 MP3.com - buy it!
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile and Frankie Lee |
History of the world with a twist. A walk through the Lower East Side of Mankind. "The impassioned voice, the sharp and soulful lyrics, the interesting shoes, the large Kramer-like hair which seems to grow thicker every year...Willie Nile brings it all into focus on 'Beautiful Wreck of the World.' Listen to this record!"...Graham Parker |
MP3.com CD: Willie Nile Volume 1 MP3.com - buy it!
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile and Frankie Lee |
A song dedicated to Jeff Buckley. No Depression magazine wrote: "...a sweeping, majestic ballad, an epiphany really, with a spiritual dimension almost never heard in pop music." Lucinda Williams said: "On The Road To Calvary is one of the most, if not the most beautiful songs I have ever heard!" |
MP3.com CD: Willie Nile Volume 1 MP3.com - buy it!
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile |
Interview with music |
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile |
Interview, part two |
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile |
Interview, part three. |
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile |
Interview, part four. |
CD: Beautiful Wreck Of The World
Label: River House Records
Credits: Willie Nile |