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Quartercall | mp3.com/Quartercall |
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are you having trouble downloading or playing our songs? Software is available through MP3.com OR visit winampone opf the best players out there
Take my My Survey well in an attempt to better plan our next project we are asking your opinion take some time and fill out our survey We Have a number of VERY cool new products, so check out our store here if you continue to have problems with MP3.com's streaming audio then go to our IUMA site and use the real player links at this site as a side note some people have questioned me as to why Sue is not in the picture that we have up on the site in a simple terms, she didn't like anything we had to use, we are continueing to work towards a better set of images but for now we just haven't gotten a pic that truly does her justice and she's happy with. in a simialar vein, we are slowly improving our recording gear ( we started this on a frighteningly shoestring budget) and we should soon have a recording rig that will capture the beauty of sue's voice , so we can get more of her stuff up here, also look for some re-recorded stuff , and a duet or two in the relatively near future... that's it for now
this is an extra message for the moron who keeps visiting my page and emailing me if you don't like my music don't listen.
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