La Luz de mi Vida
Tu Luz eres la unica mujer que existe
mi vida no tenia razon hasta que me dijiste
Si, en la Iglesia aquel dia
Cuando nos casamos, y usted se hizo mia
Desde este dia usted ha sido la razon del porque
Verte cada dia, sentir tu olor, oirte reir
Cada parte de usted, una obra del Señor
Y por mas que ha tratado, nunca ha podido hacer una mejor
Belleza en un cuerpo feminino, labios tan rojos
Cara divina, y negros como la noche, tus ojos
Te quiero hoy y mañana, con o sin plata,
sanos o con alguna enfermedad
Te queiro, querida Luz, desde hoy hasta la eternidad
Dedicado a mi Señora Luz
To my wife, Luz
Love of my life
From the moment when I sat eyes upon you
I knew what had to be done, what I had to do
You had to be mine, sharing my life
As my most treasured wife
Since that moment and on
There has not been anyone
From the female gender, that could even lure me
As my heart knew only one thing, and that was to stay
With you Luz, my wife, lover and friend
My love for you is strong enough to bend
The laws of physics, or a ray of light
As our love gives me that kind of might
And as if that was not enough
The love of ours is so tough
That it will defy even time it self
And live forever, even when our bodies are ashes on a shelf
Luz, I love you today, tomorrow and forever
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