Threats. Interrogation. It's one's inner loss of ability to function due to the nature of self-discipline and personal admiration to interact with the world around them. This track has a hint of the movie MATRIX in it. !!!Sound FX INTENSE. (Turn down speakers!!) |
MP3.com CD: Hymns of Ambience - buy it!
Remembering back, the might and power behind this memorable place strongly pushes the stomache in a breathtakingly gasp powered by ones reality. |
MP3.com CD: Hymns of Ambience - buy it!
Slowly, he walks forward to the massive entrance before him. He is in awe as his thoughts are lost as to why he's being placed before the gates. The Golden Shine or the intricate stones and gems has memorized his abilities, and has made him unaware of the swirling sand creeping up behind him that will surely capture his life. |
MP3.com CD: Hymns of Ambience - buy it!