The Emerald Coast, Saint-Cast, the churn of the sea, its changes of mood at the will of the days and seasons. Impetuous or coaxing, the one which has so inspired painters and poets, finds again through the magic of sounds the different shades that it presents to its admirers in this symphonic evocation, suffused with its characteristic atmosphere. |
CD: XXIst Century Belgian Composers : Andre-Jean SMIT
Label: Fibonacci Production
Credits: © Andre-Jean Smit and Fibonacci Production |
Memory of those dear, homage to their memory. Profoundly inspirational melodies that call to the spirit of life that is reborn after death. |
CD: XXIst Century Belgian Composers : Andre-Jean SMIT
Label: Fibonacci Production
Credits: © Andre-Jean Smit and Fibonacci Production |
Work of immense concentration. Alone, the chords translate the humanism of thought, expressed in a language of vibrant inflection and emotive accent. The profound atmosphere lends a meditative state. |
CD: XXIst Century Belgian Composers : Andre-Jean SMIT
Label: Fibonacci Production
Credits: © Andre-Jean Smit and Fibonacci Production |